Genene Fisher - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Genene Fisher

Dr. Genene Fisher is senior policy advisor with NOAA’s National Weather Service.

With a doctorate in atmospheric and space sciences from the University of Michigan, Dr. Fisher served as a policy Fellow for the American Meterological Society’s Atmospheric Policy Program for more than ten years.

In 2010, she helped organize an AMS workshop on the subject, editing a report on the discussions that was published in March 2011, Satellite Navigation and Space Weather: Understanding the Vulnerability and Building Resiliance.

Dr. Genene Fisher is senior policy advisor with NOAA’s National Weather Service.

With a doctorate in atmospheric and space sciences from the University of Michigan, Dr. Fisher served as a policy Fellow for the American Meterological Society’s Atmospheric Policy Program for more than ten years.

In 2010, she helped organize an AMS workshop on the subject, editing a report on the discussions that was published in March 2011, Satellite Navigation and Space Weather: Understanding the Vulnerability and Building Resiliance.
