European Space Solutions Conference 2014 - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

European Space Solutions Conference 2014

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the European Commission are sponsoring the third annual European Space Solutions conference schedule on June 11-13 at the Prague Conference Centre in Prague, Czech Republic.

The three day event targets European business and industry, researchers, European officials and applications developers who will discuss how the
EU’s navigation and Earth observation systems can help solve the real
life challenges of business, communities and citizens.

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the European Commission are sponsoring the third annual European Space Solutions conference schedule on June 11-13 at the Prague Conference Centre in Prague, Czech Republic.

The three day event targets European business and industry, researchers, European officials and applications developers who will discuss how the
EU’s navigation and Earth observation systems can help solve the real
life challenges of business, communities and citizens.

At the same time and place, attendees can visit the traveling European Space Expo, an interactive exhibit featuring EGNOS, Galileo and other European space programs.

The conference is free, but registration is required. May 29 is the deadline for online registration.

The theme of the plenary session is "New Tools for Businesses and Society Across the Globe."’ It will be followed by an International Business Roundtable leadership discussion on leveraging space applications in business operations.
