Combating Terrorism Technology Startup Challenge Includes Urban Navigation Track - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Combating Terrorism Technology Startup Challenge Includes Urban Navigation Track

The U.S. Department of Defense, Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO), the Israel Ministry of Defense, Defense Research and Development Directorate (MAFAT), and the MIT Enterprise Forum of Israel are pleased to announce CTTSC3, a unique contest to identify and support the startups, entrepreneurs, and innovators that are driving the next breakthroughs in technology for combating terrorism.

One of the goals of the event includes coming up with the next combating-terrorism breakthrough for GNSS-denied navigation.

The contest is open to startups worldwide with technology that can help prevent terrorism, protect people, data, or infrastructure from terrorists, assist counter-terrorism and law-enforcement organizations, or facilitate recovery from terrorist attacks. This year the contest also includes a separate special track for Urban Navigation technologies – in addition to the general challenge, there is a special Track for navigation technologies.

The contest is open to anyone (startup, entrepreneur, developer, university research groups, and other innovators wordlwide) that has at least a proof of concept of a technology that can help fight terrorism.

The deadline to enter has been extended to March 16, 2018.

Entries will be evaluated by an international panel of distinguished judges, and finalists will present live at the CTTSC Conference, held in conjunction with CyberWeek, on Sunday, June 17, 2018.

The contest is divided into two separate tracks: General Combating Terrorism Technologies (Track 1) and Technologies for Urban Navigation (Track 2).

General combating terrorism technologies
Track 1 is for any innovation that can help combat terrorism (and that is not a Navigation Technology). The CTTSO is looking for breakthroughs in:
• Detecting and responding to terrorist threats.
• Protecting people, infrastructure, and data.
• Mitigating and recovering from attacks.
• Prior finalists have included startups in surveillance, social media analytics, drones, image and video understanding, cybersecurity, robotics, personal protection, reconnaissance, biometrics, and detection of hidden threats.

Urban navigation technologies
Track 2 is for innovations in urban and GNSS-denied navigation.
• The goal is solutions that enable positioning and tracking in indoor, urban canyon,  remote rural, and other environments where GPS is not an option.
• Technologies may include: Laser, Inertial, Vision, SLAM, dead reckoning, pre-installed beacons or other infrastructure, pre-loaded maps, wifi, cellular, or any other solution that operates in a GNSS-denied environment.
Benefits for those participating in CTTSC3 include:
• General technology prize of $100,000
• Navigation technology prize of $100,000
• $10,000 prizes to the runners-up
• Sponsored travel to demonstrate in Israel (for selected finalists)
• Complimentary participation in the 2019 Merage HLS Seminar (for 2 selected finalists)
• Mentorship by leading international experts and organizations
• All prizes are no-strings-attached (ie, no impact on equity or IP ownership)

For more details, visit:
