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Contributing Writer

Hai Pham

Hai Pham studied Physics and Computer Science, receiving his MSc from Queen’s University, Canada in 2000.

Pham has worked in various R&D roles both in the private public sectors before joining the National Research Council Canada Frequency and Time group as a Research Council Officer.

He has a particular interest in the application of computing to emerging technologies and its impact to society.

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By Inside GNSS

Bill Hoger

Bill Hoger received his Electrical Engineering degree in 2008 from Carleton University, Canada.

He has been working with the Frequency and Time group of the National Research Council Canada since 1994, primarily on time dissemination systems.

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By Inside GNSS

Marina Gertsvolf

Marina Gertsvolf received her PhD in Physics from the University of Ottawa, Canada in 2009.

Since 2009 she has been working as a Research Officer with National Research Council Canada in Frequency and Time Group.

Gertsvolf works on timescales, time dissemination and frequency standards development.

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By Inside GNSS
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Andre Charbonneau

Andre Charbonneau works at the National Research Council Canada in the Research Computing Support Group.

For several years he has worked closely with the Frequency and Time Group providing system administration and software development assistance.

Charbonneau holds a bachelor degree in Computer Science from the University of Ottawa (1999).

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By Inside GNSS

John Bernard

John Bernard received his PhD in physics from the University of British Columbia in 1985 and joined the National Research Council that same year.

Since 1994, he has been a Research Officer in the Frequency and Time Group where he works on optical frequency standards, the measurement of optical frequency, and time dissemination.

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By Inside GNSS

Frans G. von der Dunk

Professor Dr. Frans G. von der Dunk holds the Harvey and Susan Perlman Alumni / Othmer Chair of Space Law at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s LL.M. Program on Space and Telecommunication Law since January 2008.

He also is Director of Black Holes BV, Consultancy in space law and policy, based in Leiden.

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By Inside GNSS
April 2, 2017

Giuseppe Siciliano

Giuseppe Siciliano has a Ph.D. in “Transports, Traffic and Environment”, and is a Senior Research Fellow at Certet–Bocconi and Adjunct Professor at MEMIT (Master in Economics and Management of Transports and Infrastructures).

He largely works in study projects at the international level and in recent years at Certet-Bocconi he has led the viability assessments regarding the introduction of satellite technologies in the ERTMS framework.

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By Inside GNSS
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Claudio Brenna

Claudio Brenna has a bachelor in Economics and Finance and master degree in Economic and Social Science at Bocconi University of Milan.

He is an expert in the field of transport, with a particular focus on the railway industry. His activity concerns in particular the themes related to transport services market organization, regulation of public services obligations, procurement strategies and procedures, services planning, and commercial strategy.

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By Inside GNSS

Francesco Rispoli

Francesco Rispoli has more than 32 years experience on satellite applications. In 2011 he joined Ansaldo STS and was responsible for the train control system’s satellite technology, and was director general of Radiolabs Consortium.

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By Inside GNSS

Peter Whibberley

Peter Whibberley is a Senior Research Scientist in the Time and Frequency group at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), the UK’s national measurement institute.

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By Inside GNSS

Andreas Bauch

Andreas Bauch has a diploma in physics. He joined Phyikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, Germany (PTB) as a PhD student, being initially engaged in studies on frequency shifting effects in caesium atomic clocks.

He got his PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) from Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. Since then he has been involved in time and frequency metrology, focused at first on the development and operation of atomic clocks, later more and more on time comparison techniques (GNSS, TWSTFT).

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By Inside GNSS
January 25, 2017

Yuting Ng

Yuting Ng is a graduate student in the Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

She received her B.S. degree in electrical engineering, graduating with university honors, from the same university.

Her research interests are in advanced signal tracking, navigation, control, LiDAR, RADAR, and UAVs.

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By Inside GNSS