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December 29, 2020

Brexit Settlement Sweeps UK Out of Galileo and EGNOS

According to a statement on the UK Government’s official website, as of January 1 the United Kingdom will cease participation in the European Galileo and European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service(EGNOS) programs. British citizens and other private users are not affected, apparently: “devices that currently use Galileo and EGNOS, such as smart phones, will continue to be able to do so.”

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By Inside GNSS

Top Twelve GNSS Technology Stories of 2020

Here, in no particular order save vaguely chronological, are the editor’s picks for Top Twelve GNSS and PNT Tech Stories of 2020: those that heralded technical breakthroughs significant for their time, that will continue to roll out wide-reaching developmental advances in 2021 and beyond.

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By Alan Cameron
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December 4, 2020

Smartphones Navigate from Street to Indoors with Multi-Sensor Integration

A framework to seamlessly navigate people from urban road traffic to indoor foot traffic uses the phone’s inertial measurement unit, GNSS chipset and camera, aided by an extended Kalman filter and ORB-SLAM. Tests show the framework performing well in both phases, guiding the phone’s user, behind the wheel on a city street, to a spot in an underground parking garage and walking to a meeting inside a large building.

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By Inside GNSS
December 2, 2020

WAAS: Improving Safety for Civil Aircraft

The United States Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) uses Hexagon | NovAtel technologies, including reference receivers and signal generators, to provide the accuracy and integrity necessary to safely operate civil aircraft. Here’s a look at the updated technologies and how they enable GPS as a safety of life service for aviation.

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By Inside GNSS
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November 30, 2020

The Rocky Road To A UK GNSS

In 2018, when the UK’s post-Brexit involvement in Galileo was still a point of contention between London and Brussels, UK ministers set aside £92m to study the feasibility of building a sovereign satellite-navigation system. Almost immediately, the UK Space-Based Positioning Navigation and Timing Program (SBPP) became something of a political football, or soccer ball if you prefer. Critics and supporters chimed in vehemently at any piece of news. Why an independent UK PNT system might be necessary remains a reasonable first question for some observers.

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By Peter Gutierrez
November 18, 2020

Korea to Launch SBAS IN 2022

Korea will inaugurate its own satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS), the Korea Augmentation Satellite System (KASS), sometime in 2022, with signals broadcast over the East Asian region from adjunct payloads aboard two geostationary communications satellites.

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By Inside GNSS
November 17, 2020

Anti-Jam GPS for Army’s Gray Eagle UAV Awarded to Cobham

For its flagship Gray Eagle UAV, the U.S. Army with lead contractor General Atomics Aeronautical Systems has selected an anti-jam GPS system from Cobham Aerospace Connectivity. The MQ-1C ER Gray Eagle Extended Range (GE-ER) Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) platform is a medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) unmanned aircraft system

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By Inside GNSS
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