B: Applications

October 20, 2008

Combining Galileo PRS and GPS M-Code



A-GNSS    Assisted GNSS
AltBOC     Alternative BOC
BCS         Binary Coded Symbols
BOC         Binary Offset Carrer
BOCcos    Cosine phased BOC modulation
BOCsin     Sine phased BOC modulation
BPSK        Binary Phase Shift Keying
C/A         Coarse/Acquisition
CBCS       Composite Binary Coded Symbols
GNSS       Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS         Global Positioning System
OS           Open Service
PR           Pseudorange
PRS         Public Regulated Service
SBAS       Satellite Base Augmentation System
TEC         Total Electron Content
UERE       User Equivalent Range Error
DOP         Dilution of Precision
HDOP       Horizontal Dilution of Precision
VDOP       Vertical Dilution of Precision
PDOP       Positioning Dilution off Precision


[1] Avila-Rodriguez, J.A. et al. (2004), “Combined Galileo/GPS Frequency and Signal Performance Analysis”, Proceedings of ION 2004 – 21-24 September 2004, Long Beach, California, USA
[2] Avila-Rodriguez, J.A. et al. (2005), “Revised Combined Galileo/GPS Frequency and Signal Performance Analsis”, Proceedings of ION 2005 – 13-16 September 2005, Long Beach, California, USA
[3] Hein, G.W. et al. (2002), “Status of Galileo Frequency and Signal Design”, Proceedings of ION 2002 – 24-27 September 2002, Portland, Oregon, USA
[4] Van Nee (1993): Spread-Spectrum Code and Carrier Synchronization Errors Caused by Multipath and Interference, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 29, No. 4, October 1993.
[5] K. Mc Donald and C.Hegarty (2000): “Post-Modernization GPS Performance Capabilities,” Proceedings of ION 56th Annual Meeting, 26-28 June 2000, San Diego, California, USA (Institute of Navigation, Alexandria, Virginia), pp. 242-249
[6] Furthner J. et al (2003). “Time Dissemination and Common View Time Transfer with Galileo: How Accurate Will It Be ?” 35th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Meeting, 2-4 December 2003, San Diego, California, USA
[7] Blomenhofer H (1996), “Untersuchungen zu hochpräzisen kinematischen DGPS -Echtzeitverfahren mit besonderer Berücksichtigung atmosphärischer Fehler-einflüsse.“ Dissertation. Heft 51 Schriftenreihe ISSN 0173-1009. Geodesy and Geoinformation-University FAF Munich
[8] Feess, W.A. and S.G. Stephens (1987): “Evaluation of GPS Ionospheric Model, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,” Vol. AES-23, No. 3, pp. 332-338
[9] Pósfay A. et al. (2003) “Tropospheric Delay Modelling for the European Space Agency´s Galileo Testbed: Methods of Improvement and First Results”, Proceedings of NTM 2003 – National Technical Meeting, 22-24 January 2003, Anaheim, CA, USA
[10] Guenter W. Hein, Jose-Angel Avila-Rodriguez, Lionel Ries, Laurent Lestarquit, Jean-Luc Issler, Jeremie Godet, Tony Pratt, Members of the Galileo Signal Task Force of the European Commission (2005), “A Candidate for the Galileo L1 OS Optimized Signal,“ Proceedings of ION 2005 – 13-16 September 2005, Long Beach, California, USA

October 19, 2008

Navigation World Forum at SYSTEMS 2008

For the first time, the navigation industry will engage in discussions and make presentations on the first two days of the SYSTEMS, the ICT trade show, in a separate conference forum.

The winners of the European Satellite Navigation Competition will present their ideas at this event.

It will be held directly adjacent to the Navigation World Area in Hall B1 of the New Munich Trade Fair Center in Munich, Germany.

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By Inside GNSS
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October 5, 2008

A Soft Touch: Sogei’s GPS/Galileo Software Receiver and Institutional GNSS Applications in Italy

During the last 10 years, the GNSS panorama has changed rapidly, bringing new pressure on product designers and system developers to adopt new approaches to their efforts. Let’s take a look at some of these changes.

In the consumer mass market, low-cost GPS terminals and car navigation systems are widely available, and their integration on “smart-phones” is mature.

During the last 10 years, the GNSS panorama has changed rapidly, bringing new pressure on product designers and system developers to adopt new approaches to their efforts. Let’s take a look at some of these changes.

In the consumer mass market, low-cost GPS terminals and car navigation systems are widely available, and their integration on “smart-phones” is mature.

For commercial and institutional applications, however, some issues are still on the table. In particular, institutional users are asking for GNSS solutions that offer high configurability, reliability, precision, service guarantees, authentication, security, and anti-jamming — and, by definition, the availability of open and standard solutions.

High-accuracy terminals or other GNSS equipment with demanding requirements are often based on proprietary and expensive solutions. At the same time, in some countries high-accuracy GNSS augmentation services are the exclusive initiatives of a single private provider or local public agency.

Meanwhile, standards and regulations are changing for almost every application. Therefore, in the near future a user terminal should be expected to support numerous standards and protocols. Furthermore, today’s technologically skilled GNSS user is always asking for more advanced solutions in terms of accuracy — just as evolving demands for mobile communications required ever more bandwidth.

Systems and services are converging. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are ever more frequently providing integrated hardware/software solutions for navigation and communications. Integration of GNSS with inertial sensors, communication systems (e.g., WiFi) and assisted (AGNSS) solutions are, of course, essential for providing higher continuity of service in a range of indoor situations.

In the near future, guaranteed and augmented solutions (in terms of precision and integrity) will be necessary not only for geodetic and surveying applications, but also for mass market applications such as advanced driver assistance systems (e.g., automatic lane keeping).

Backward compatibility with respect to legacy systems also has to be assured for a real exploitation of institutional market. An example of such an application is introduction of GNSS/RFID technology for implementing well-consolidated customs operational procedures and regulations. However, that application will require a complete and transparent integration of new freight “location” reporting systems within existing tracking systems.

Introducing a new “black box” system for this purpose (despite its efficiency), leading to a complete revolution for institutional freight tracking, will not be accepted by the institutional customer. Similar considerations appear in considering the application of innovative high-accuracy technologies in cadastral surveying operations.

The availability of new GNSS constellations and multi-frequency solutions (e.g., TCAR, three carrier ambiguity resolution) will change the scenario within a few years, leading to the need for quick front-end and firmware upgrades in GNSS receivers. New long-range real-time kinematic (RTK) solutions are also coming, based on innovative ionospheric modelling.

In this technological and business environment, embedded systems offer a near-future path to providing tightly integrated navigation and communication solutions with low-cost, accurate, portable, and highly reconfigurable receivers.

A concurrent technological advance, GNSS software receivers (referred to hereinafter as SDR, for software defined radio), will allow developers to provide code/phase solutions and the processing of signals from satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS) and regional GNSS reference networks in an open environment.

Furthermore, through a suitably flexible front-end, adapting SDR solutions to emerging navigation constellations will be easily implemented.  This approach seems like an ideal solution for institutional applications.

A side effect of the development of such solutions may be the ability to implement low-cost GNSS SDR-based augmentation networks, overcoming the usual problems related to high installation costs and the need for continual firmware upgrades.

This article will describe the activities of Sogei, in cooperation with the University of Tor Vergata in Rome, to develop an open SDR GNSS receiver for such applications.

Sogei R&D Activities
Sogei is an Italian company owned by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Italy charged with developing ICT solutions for national institutions. Among other responsibilities, Sogei manages the Italian system for updating cadastral maps as well as the information system for Italian Customs.

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Platform Architecture and Results
Development of Sogei’s GNSS SDR platform has been carried out using a popular simulation, modelling, and design software suite for rapid prototyping. Furthermore, we avoided any reliance on proprietary libraries and integrated our own C-code modules within the platform. Following this approach, our development platform is based on a bi-processor workstation, equipped with Windows OS, commercial software packages as well as free C compilers. Concerning hardware implementation and high performances, we are testing our code on an advanced DSP/FPGA SDR development platform.

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Design, Developments Hints
Developing a GNSS SDR platform implies continuous design choices in order to find the best trade-off between performance and computational efficiency.
Concerning the acquisition phase, the bottleneck is, of course, the fast Fourier transform (FFT) calculation for implementing the parallel search. To achieve this goal, we developed and integrated an efficient FFT and inverse FFT algorithm into the platform.

. . .

GNSS SDR Results
The SDR platform performs nominally during the signal acquisition phase. After GNSS signal-in-space data acquisition and processing, the platform is able to carry out track signals from GPS, EGNOS, WAAS, and GIOVE-A. In the bottom graphs of the figure, note the two lateral autocorrelation peaks for GIOVE-A, as foreseen by the theoretical signal specifications for the binary offset carrier (BOC) signal modulation. Recently, we also performed GIOVE-B acquisition using our platform.

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Future Perspectives
Worldwide, the implementation of a real-time GNSS SDR receiver is typically based on the integration of the code in a FPGA or DSP platform, and the subsequent implementation in dedicated chips (ASICs). Creating a truly open and reconfigurable solution for institutional applications, however, depends in such case on the use of such kind of devices. The integration of SDR within a commercial PDA or laptop is currently limited by the usual problems of power consumption and computational load problems.

. . .

GNSS civil and institutional applications will be of great relevance for future GNSS applications developments.

GNSS software receiver technologies offer the possibility to implement open and reconfigurable navigation and communication systems to be embedded in a PDA or Laptop. As a side benefit, low-cost terminals will be available for the user. Sogei R&D activities, in collaboration with the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, allowed the possibility to implement an initial GNSS SDR platform able to work in a multiple constellation environment.

Meanwhile, the development of a network-RTK solution in the center of Italy, enabled users to achieve sub-decimeter accuracy with a reduced TTFA using complete standard protocols and interfaces. Modernized GPS and Galileo will allow the implementation of instantaneous and reliable high-accuracy services. RTK capabilities and TCAR processing within an open GNSS SDR environment could therefore provide a solution for future surveying and high-accuracy transport applications.

All the R&D activities described in the present paper have been developed within Sogei. A particular reference is here given to M. Torrisi and Andrea Properzi, working respectively on SDR development and GNSS network interfaces within the framework of the Masterspazio initiative of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.

For the complete story, including figures, graphs, and images, please download the PDF of the article, above.


EUPOS GNSS, DGNSS and Applications Symposium 2008

The International Symposium on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Space-based and Ground-based Augmentation Systems and Applications 2008 will take place in Berlin at the EnergieForum, located in the middle of Berlin’s growing media centre between the “Ostbahnhof“ (East Train Station) and the Spree River.

Representatives from Europe, Japan, Africa and the United States will report on world-wide activities in civil use of satellite navigation, including:

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By Inside GNSS
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September 25, 2008

Indra Team Begins Future EGNOS Study

Spain’s leading IT company, Indra, has begun a €1.5 million, 18-month project for the European Space Agency (ESA) to study the feasibility and definition of the European Geostationary Overlay Service (EGNOS) looking ahead towards a future multiconstellation regional system (MRS).

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By Glen Gibbons

Trimble Announces New Precision Products, RolleiMetric Acquisition, and Saab JV

has announced its new GNSS reference receiver — the Trimble NetR8 — for precise scientific and network infrastructure applications. The NetR8 reference receiver has 76 channels and supports GPS L1, L2, L2C and L5 signals as well as GLONASS L1/L2 signals.

Four additional channels are dedicated to tracking space-based augmentation systems
(SBAS), including Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) in North
America, European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System (EGNOS) in
Europe, Multi-functional Satellite Augmentation System (MSAS) in Japan,
Omnistar services and others.

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By Glen Gibbons
September 22, 2008

Galileo FOC Procurement ‘Short List’ Announced

Eleven contenders have been selected to build elements of the Galileo system — the so-called fully operational capability (FOC) infrastructure.
In a September 19 announcement, the European Commission (EC) and the European Space Agency (ESA) said they had chosen the candidates out of 21 applicants in the initial phase of the procurement procedure.

Following an invitation issued July 1, interested parties submitted a “Request to participate.” Candidates were short-listed on the basis of pre-defined selection and exclusion criteria.

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By Glen Gibbons
September 8, 2008

Spread Spectrum Systems for GNSS and Wireless Communications

Spread Spectrum Systems for GNSS and Wireless Communications
By Jack K. Holmes
Artech House 2007. Hardcover. 874 pages
ISBN 978-1-59693-083-4

I will tell you up front that if you are a systems or design engineer involved in any field of spread spectrum technology, then you should invest in this new book. And you’ll want to read all 12 chapters with some “post-it” notes on hand to mark the pages containing figures and equations that you most likely will come back to review in more detail.

Spread Spectrum Systems for GNSS and Wireless Communications
By Jack K. Holmes
Artech House 2007. Hardcover. 874 pages
ISBN 978-1-59693-083-4

I will tell you up front that if you are a systems or design engineer involved in any field of spread spectrum technology, then you should invest in this new book. And you’ll want to read all 12 chapters with some “post-it” notes on hand to mark the pages containing figures and equations that you most likely will come back to review in more detail.

Most readers will probably not fully absorb this book during the first reading. Nonetheless, it helps to read through the entire presentation before attempting any in-depth understanding, because the author’s writing, equation formulation, and illustration style is conducive to a high level understanding of spread spectrum systems.

Author Jack K. Holmes is a well-known, highly published and long-time spread spectrum systems expert, instructor, and consultant in this field. He is Distinguished Engineer in the Communications and Network Architectures Subdivision of The Aerospace Corporation. One of the key roles of this part of the El Segundo, California–based company is its extensive GPS space segment, control segment, and ground (user equipment) segment systems engineering support for the U.S. Air Force’s GPS Wing.

This is not Dr. Holmes’ first book. I have owned a copy of the second edition of his Coherent Spread Spectrum Systems since 1990 and wish I had been aware of this latest gem sooner.

Like his first book, the new one is based almost entirely on analog (continuous time) theory and equations. It will help bridge the communications gap that inevitably exists between systems analysts and digital designers.

The discussion conveys only a high level of intuition regarding practical design synthesis of the modern hardware and real-time software required to actually build a system, because most spread spectrum systems today are entirely digital at the baseband level. Those skilled in such design will learn excellent trade-offs in their design choices and even how to extend their design skills to other communications systems.

However, readers who are unskilled in digital design probably will not pick up good design skills from this book. Readers skilled in analysis and simulations will be better able to analyze system performance predictions and critique design tradeoffs if the actual architecture is aptly communicated to them by the digital designers.

The author has formulated problems at the end of each chapter; so, he has apparently intended for it to be a graduate course level textbook.

Let’s take a closer look now at the contents of Holmes’ new book itself.

Hot Topic for GNSS Users
The new book encompasses the entire modern world of spread spectrum systems and then some. Chapter 1 provides a brief history of spread spectrum communications, followed by an introduction to narrowband signals (before they are spread), direct sequence with binary phase shift keying (BPSK) and with quadraphase phase shift keying (QPSK), minimum shift keying (MSK).

The discussion then proceeds to noncoherent (slow and fast) frequency hopped spread spectrum signals, and hybrid and time hopping spread spectrum signals. It concludes with a substantial introduction to orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and ultra-wideband (UWB) communications.

Even though OFDM and UWB are not classical spread spectrum systems, they certainly belong to the realm of modern communications signals. I bookmarked the section on Federal Communications Commission restrictions on UWB operations and the Part 15 emission limits. This is a hot topic to GNSS users worldwide because UWB has the potential of significantly raising the noise floor on these navigation signals.

Codes and Jamming
Chapter 2 deals rigorously with the math, formulation, and limitations of binary shift register codes. You will be able to design and analyze a large variety of pseudorandom noise (PRN) codes of various lengths and code sequences that are synthesized by this method.

Chapter 3 develops the effects of various types of jamming on the bit error rate (BER) performance for various types of spread spectrum modulations where no coding is provided to enhance the BER performance. Jammer types considered are wideband (barrage) noise jammers including pulse jammers and narrowband (partial band) noise jammers, plus continuous wave (tone), multi-tone, and matched spectral jammers.

Numerous chip modulation and data modulation combinations are analyzed for all types of jammers that effect BER. For most of the analysis cases, there is a BER plot provided with running parameters. For example, for pulsed jammer analysis, the running parameter is ρ (Rho), which represents the normalized time that the jammer is “on.” For examples, ρ = 1 is 100% and ρ = 0.4 is 40%.

Chapter 4 includes the beneficial effects of coding and interleaving to improve the BER and word error rate (WER) performance in the presence of jamming (or other effects such as attenuation that reduce the signal to noise ratio of the detected spread spectrum signal). First the various types of interleaving and coding techniques are defined and described mathematically as well as the decoding process.

In particular, the popular convolutional codes along with the Viterbi algorithm to decode the convolutional codes are presented and analyzed in depth. Both are now used in the data modulation and demodulation process of modernized GNSS signals. Here you will be dealing with some new terminology such as code rate, constraint length, maximum-likelihood processes, soft-decisions, zero filling, and tail-biting. These designs, especially the Viterbi decoder designs, are not only complicated but also memory- and throughput-intensive processes.

But this is the age where such marvelous innovations can be supported by modern digital technology. These analyses are not closed form, so they require computer simulations to determine the BER and WER performance. Some specific design examples have been simulated and plotted for the reader. Numerous other coding and decoding examples are also presented.

Carrier Tracking and Pseudonoise Code
Numerous carrier tracking loops for residual carrier signal tracking and suppressed carrier signal tracking are described and analyzed in Chapter 5. Several models of the phase locked loop (PLL) are analyzed (for dataless carrier applications). First, second and third order (analog) PLLs are then analyzed. Three types of frequency synthesis are described: digital, direct and indirect.

Various tracking techniques of BPSK signals are shown, including several Costas loops. Also described are Costas loop false lock protection levels and decision-directed Costas feedback loops. Very precise delta pseudorange measurements are obtained from PLLs in GNSS receivers operating with modernized dataless carriers.

Those containing data modulation (such as the present GPS signals) require the use of Costas (or Costas-like) PLLs. Costas PLLs lose some accuracy due to squaring loss caused by the presence of data modulation and about 6 dB of threshold performance in comparison to a pure PLL.

Multiphase carrier tracking loops, which are generalizations of the usual bi-phase Costas loops, are described in the context of quadraphase Costas loops. This chapter concludes with a brief treatment of (analog) frequency locked loops.

The acquisition of pseudonoise (PN) code in direct sequence receivers is covered in Chapter 6. PN acquisition is the initial alignment of the receiver’s replica PN code generator phase with that of the incoming PN code sequence. Numerous sequential code acquisition detector types are presented and analyzed, initially without the effects of Doppler and later with Doppler present.

In GNSS receivers, Doppler must always be considered, so the search process is simultaneously two-dimensional (code range dimension and carrier Doppler dimension). Section 6.4 provides a nice treatment of parallel code searching utilizing multiple correlators to speed up the code range search process. Section 6.5 is an extensive and thorough presentation of parallel frequency searching using fast Fourier transform (FFT) techniques to speed up the carrier Doppler search process.

Detection probabilities for BPSK and QPSK code modulation are analyzed assuming arbitrary Gaussian noise interference. BPSK detection probabilities are also derived assuming matched spectral and narrowband jamming interference (another place I bookmarked).

Section 6.6 is devoted to an optimum single correlator channel serial sweep search scheme pioneered by Holmes for the case where the time uncertainty is not uniformly distributed. Section 6.7 is devoted to sequential search detectors with variable integration times. Section 6.8 describes frequency domain search techniques using Fourier transform techniques. Section 6.9 provides an extensive treatment of matched filter search techniques.

Section 6.10 is a fairly comprehensive treatment of acquisition techniques for fast and slow frequency hopped signals with multiple frequency shift keying (MFSK) data modulation. Appendix 6A is devoted to signal flow graphs and discrete time invariant Markov processes.

Code Tracking
Direct sequence code tracking loops from which the pseudorange measurements are derived for a GNSS receiver are presented in Chapter 7. Numerous versions of non-coherent (in-phase) I and (quadraphase) Q, early-minus-late and dot product code tracking loops are described and analyzed for non-return-to-zero (NRZ) code modulation, including the effects of various types of interference.

The error performance is derived for a coherent code tracking loop (requiring the carrier tracking loop to be in phase lock) and three non-coherent code tracking loops (that will operate equally well with the carrier tracking loop in phase or frequency lock provided that both the I and Q signals are used in the code tracking loop).

Section 7.8 provides a fairly comprehensive description of multipath effects on both coherent and non-coherent code tracking loops. Other code tracking loop effects such as loss of lock and receiver blanking are presented.

Chapter 8 presents the performance of frequency hopped signals first without, then with data modulation. Chapter 9 describes multiple access methods for digital wireless cellular communications beginning with a brief history of cellular systems. First, second and third generation cellular communications systems multiple access techniques are presented and analyzed.

Chapter 10 is an introduction to fading channels. This chapter describes and analyzes numerous models for the various causes of loss of signal strength, including both outdoor and indoor models. Noteworthy is Section 10.12 that describes smart antennas, in particular adaptive array antennas.

Covert Communications
An introduction to the detection of covert communications systems is the focus of Chapter 11. Radiometers are the main focus for such covert signal detection, but three classes of detectors are described: those based on transform techniques (spectrum analyzer, compressive receiver, Bragg cell and FFT), energy detectors, (radiometers and channelized receivers), and rate line detectors (chip rate detectors and carrier frequency detectors). Both covert communications and interceptor techniques using these three classes of detectors are described and analyzed.

The performance of lock detectors that are used with all synchronization devices is covered in Chapter 12. The analytical approach used is to treat the lock detectors as absorbing Markov chains.

The theorems pertinent to lock detector theory are defined and proven up front. Some block diagram models for both suppressed and residual carrier tracking, PN tracking and frequency hopping are presented and discussed.

Overall, this book provides both a brief historical and a comprehensive theoretical plus analytical reference for spread spectrum and other modern communications systems. For those only interested in the GNSS applications, you will discover concepts and innovations presented in the wireless communications systems areas that should be in your GNSS conceptual and analytical tool kit (and vice versa). I rate it “5 Stars” as a comprehensive theoretical and analytical resource for all spread spectrum systems applications

August 28, 2008

GPS-Disciplined Frequency Standard

Suntsu Frequency Control, Inc. offers the SGPS2 series GPS- disciplined frequency and time standard. Combining a Furuno 16-channel GPS receiver and Suntsu’s own oven controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) technology in a 2 x 2 x 1.25 inches (50.8 x 50.8 x 31.75 millimeters) package, the entire unit is mountable on printed circuit boards with a micro-miniature connector (MMCX) antenna connection on the side. The OCXO frequency is disciplined with timing signals from GPS satellites to maintain frequency accuracy to <1×10-12 in 24 hours.

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By Glen Gibbons