B: Applications

January 27, 2015

South Korea Relaunches Its eLoran Program

After a delay to reformulate the system design, South Korea is moving ahead to implement a national enhanced Loran (eLoran) system to provide uninterrupted positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) services in the wake of GPS jamming by North Korea.

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By Inside GNSS
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January 19, 2015

Galileo Upgrade Will Cause Temporary Decline in Service

Galileo Sensor Stations (GSSs) pick up Galileo signals in space (SIS) to perform clock synchronisation and orbit measurements which are fed back to the twin Galileo Control Centres to serve as the basis of the navigation message incorporating clock and position corrections and associated integrity data. Uplink Stations (ULSs) then uplink this navigation message to the Galileo satellite navigation payloads for rebroadcast to users. Telemetry, Tracking and Command Stations (TT&Cs) provide the link between the Control Centres and the satellite platforms. ESA figure

Galileo’s operation controllers will temporarily stop updating satellite orbital positions in the system’s navigation messages beginning near the end of this month in order to help implement upgrades in the ground mission segment, the European Space Agency (ESA) announced today (January 19, 2015).

Although the Galileo satellites will continue to transmit navigation signals, the generation and uplink of updated navigation messages will be interrupted during the last week of January for about five weeks.

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By Inside GNSS
January 16, 2015

Trimble Launches Timing Portfolio for Mobile Telecom

ICM SMT 360 timing module

Trimble has introduced a new portfolio of GNSS-based time and frequency products to address the synchronization needs of the fast-growing 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) small-cell telecom market.

Mobile telecom networks, whether 3G, 4G LTE, LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) wireless technologies, or a combination, need high-precision synchronization and syntonization.

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By Inside GNSS

DoD Seeks Sources for 50,000 eLoran Receivers

In a nod to the usefulness of international enhanced Loran (eLoran) systems the U.S. Department OF Defense (DoD) in January began a search for companies able to supply some 50,000 eLoran receivers. Meanwhile a multi-agency team continues sketching out the structure of a potential U.S. eLoran system for federal officials weighing a relaunch of the program as a backup to GPS.

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By Inside GNSS

Galileo’s Commercial Service

Figure 1; Tables 1 & 2

After some years of concept studies and simulations, the Galileo Commercial Service is taking off. The journey has started toward what can be the most accurate and secure worldwide satellite-based navigation services for civil use.

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By Inside GNSS
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January 15, 2015

CERGAL 2015: International Symposium on Certification of GNSS Systems and Services

The Waldspirale in Darmstadt

The 2015 CERGAL conference will be held in Darmstadt, Germany on July 7 and 8, 2015.

Qualification and certification of mission and safety critical applications are major milestones in the successful operational rollout of Satellite Navigation systems like GPS/EGNOS, Galileo, GLONASS and Beidou. This symposium will concentrate on measures already established and future activities that will assure SATNAV systems certification and operational safety.

This year’s main topics include:

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By Inside GNSS
December 18, 2014

Raytheon, Lockheed Complete Another GPS III, OCX Development Exercise

On Wednesday (December 17, 2014) Raytheon Company announced successful completion of the fourth of five planned launch and early orbit exercises being undertaken together with Lockheed Martin to demonstrate new automation capabilities, information assurance, and launch readiness of the U.S. Air Force’s next generation GPS III satellite and Operational Control System (OCX).

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By Inside GNSS
December 16, 2014

Cut to GPS OCX Civil Funding Could Trigger New Delays as Scrutiny, Pressure Mount

With final passage of the Omnibus spending bill on December 13 Congress deepened by $17 million the fiscal ditch in which the new GPS ground system finds itself, possibly further delaying the completion of a modernized operational control segment (OCX) and increasing costs just as the Department of Defense’s top acquisition official steps in to take a closer look at budget overruns.

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By Inside GNSS