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It’s Spring, and EGNOS Is in the Air

Europe has been talking up its European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS, for short) — and why shouldn’t it? Talking about Galileo doesn’t get satellites off the ground. EGNOS, on the other hand, is up and running, and has been since 2009. If the object is to build confidence in European savoir faire, why not talk about a real success like EGNOS?

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By Peter Gutierrez
April 30, 2014

European Officials Consider Galileo Mandate for Mobile Devices

Perhaps taking a page of Russia’s playbook for mandating use of GLONASS in certain equipment, European officials are looking into the possibility of requiring the addition of Galileo capability to mobile phones and other device and platforms.

As it has become clear that the European GNSS will be the third or fourth GNSS available — after GPS, GLONASS, and probably BeiDou — the European Union’s executive body, the European Commission, is exploring non-market strategies to increase adoption of Galileo by manufacturers and users.

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By Inside GNSS

Key GPS/PNT Official Teri Takai Leaving DoD

Teresa Takei, DoD CIO. DoD photo

Teri Takai, the Department of Defense’s chief information officer (DoD CIO) announced April 28 that she would be leaving at the end of this week. She is the top advisor to the secretary of defense on navigation and timing plus a host of other subjects including telecommunications, satellite communications, and spectrum issues.

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By Inside GNSS
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April 16, 2014

At ENC 2014: A GNSS Wake Up Call for Europe

Brad Parkinson

Among the key topics to come out of this year’s European Navigation Conference (ENC 2014) in Rotterdam is how safe — or unsafe — we really are, and who in Europe cares. The answer is, a lot of people care, but almost no one can do anything about it.

Professor David Last, strategic advisor at the General Lighthouse Authorities of the UK & Ireland, made the case before the conference had even started, at the pre-conference “Resilient PNT Forum.”

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By Inside GNSS
April 3, 2014

QZSS’s Day in the Sun at Munich SatNav Summit

The Russians may have taken a rain check, but Asian representatives were out in force at this year’s Munich Satellite Navigation Summit, held last week (March 25–27, 2014). The general message from China, Japan, and India was that they are moving forward quickly with their own GNSS systems, while seeking active cooperation, both technical and commercial, with international partners.

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By Inside GNSS

GLONASS Suffers Temporary Systemwide Outage; Multi-GNSS Receiver Overcomes Problem (updated)

Smartphone tracking results from two smartphones. Yellow dotted line, GPS/GLONASS only; green dotted line, GPS/GLONASS/QZSS/BeiDou. Broadcom Corporation image.

Just when they thought it was safe to go back into space . . . .

The Russian GLONASS system, which had appeared to be recovering from a series of organizational and technical problems in recent years, appears to have suffered a systemic disruption during the past 24 hours — beginning just past 1 a.m. Moscow time on April 2 (UTC+4) — 6 p.m. EDT on Tuesday (April 1, 2014).

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By Inside GNSS

U.S. Air Force Authorizes Lockheed to Finish GPS III SVs 7 & 8

The U.S. Air Force has awarded Lockheed Martin more than $245 million in contract options to complete production of its seventh and eighth GPS Block III satellites.

The two space vehicles (SVs 07–08) received initial funding under a February 2013 long-lead material contract for the Air Force’s second set of four satellites, GPS III SV 05–08. Similar to this current award announced yesterday (April 1, 2014), the Air Force exercised an option to complete production of SVs 05–06 in December 2013.

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By Inside GNSS
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ESNC 2014 GNSS Innovation Competition Launches at ENC 2014

The European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) 2014 will officially kick off on April 15 at the European Navigation Conference (ENC) in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, but the 11th round of the annual event opens Tuesday (April 1).

Launched by Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen in 2004 with three partner regions, the ESNC has grown into a network of GNSS innovation and expertise with more than 20 regions taking part worldwide. Since 2004, the ESNC has received almost 2,400 submissions from 4,263 teams and named 204 award winners.

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By Inside GNSS

GPS Modernization Stalls

With the optimism of college-bound seniors touring the Ivy League, GPS managers have been weighing options to dramatically change the GPS constellation. Now, after studying the costs, considering the benefits, and assessing the funding climate, officials have made the starkly fiscal decision to stick close to home and take a few extra years to finish. 

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By Dee Ann Divis

Igor Stojkovic

Igor Stojkovic is the principal search and rescue engineer on the Galileo program in ESA, responsible for design and development of the SAR/Galileo component of the MEOSAR System.

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By Inside GNSS