The IEEE/ION PLANS 2016: Position Location And Navigation Symposium will take place April 11-14 2016 at the Hyatt Regency Savannah in Savannah, Georgia.
Early bird registration ends March 10, 2016.
This biennial technical conference and industry exhibition explores the field of navigation — from fundamental research, to applications, to field test results.
The IEEE/ION PLANS 2016: Position Location And Navigation Symposium will take place April 11-14 2016 at the Hyatt Regency Savannah in Savannah, Georgia.
Early bird registration ends March 10, 2016.
This biennial technical conference and industry exhibition explores the field of navigation — from fundamental research, to applications, to field test results.
The PLANS conference is a four day conference with one day dedicated to tutorials and three days to technical sessions.
This year’s technical sessions include:
- Algorithms for Networked Navigation
- Carrier Phase Positioning (RTK)
- Civil Multi-Antenna GNSS Systems
- Collaborative and Networked Navigation
- Emerging Technologies for Inertial Sensing
- GNSS Robustness to Interference
- Ground Vehicles GN&C Systems
- High Performance Inertial Sensor Technologies
- High-Integrity GNSS
- Indoor Positioning and Navigation
- Integrated Inertial Navigation
- Localization and Map Building in Robotics
- Low Cost Inertial Sensors
- Navigation Using Environmental and Natural Phenomenon
- Navigation via Radio Frequency Signals of Opportunity
- Network Time Transfer
- Personal and Humanoid Robot Navigation
- PNT Authentication
- Precise Point Positioning (PPP)
- Sensor Manufacturing, Error Modeling and Testing
- Sensors for Aiding and Augmenting Inertial Navigation
- Small Satellites (cubesats/nanosats) GN&C
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle GN&C
- Unmanned Marine Vehicle GN&C
Half-day tutorials are:
- Image-Aided Navigation
- Fundamentals of Nonlinear Recursive Estimation
- Alternative Navigation Methods Exploiting Integration with Inertial Measurements
- Contemporary and Emerging Inertial Sensors
- Fundamentals of Inertial Navigation
- Integrated Collision Avoidance, Guidance, Navigation, and Control Systems for UAS
This conference is jointly sponsored by the IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society (AESS), and the Institute of Navigation (ION).