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Aerospace and Defense

December 31, 2010

Handicapping the GNSS Horse Race

Horses racing by Margret Hofheinz-Doering 1956

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We’ve come a long ways from the attitudes of the Cold War environment in which the Global Positioning System and GLONASS programs arose.

But that doesn’t mean that GNSS competition is a thing of the past. Indeed, the second most-read item on the Inside GNSS website during this year was a March 2009 article entired “GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Compass: What GNSS Race? What Competition?”

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By Inside GNSS
December 30, 2010

GPS Directorate Completes Annual AGER Review

Col. Bernard Gruber

The GPS Directorate completed its second Annual GPS Enterprise Review (AGER) on December 17, concluding that the program has achieved major milestones in developing and deploying modernized GPS capabilities.

Col. Bernard Gruber, GPS program director at the Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles Air Force Base, led his team through a Defense Acquisition Board (DAB) review chaired by Frank Kendall, deputy undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, and attended by other senior Department of Defense (DoD) officials.

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By Inside GNSS
November 5, 2010

LMCO Ships GPS III Simulator to Aerospace Corporation, Maintains Program Schedule Lead

Artist’s illustration of GPS III. Lockheed Martin image

The Aerospace Corporation has completed acceptance testing on the GPS III Bus Real Time Simulator (BRTS) from the Lockheed Martin–led team developing the next-generation satellite program, keeping the initiative ahead of schedule.

The BRTS is a specialized piece of test equipment designed to reduce risk and ensure overall mission success for the lifecycle of the GPS III program. The simulator will enable Aerospace Corporation to independently validate GPS III bus flight software for the U.S. Air Force.

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By Inside GNSS
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October 25, 2010

Military PNT — The Way Ahead

FIGURE 1: The three foundations of C2 and how they are “changing the game” in an electronic battlespace: spectrum (communications media), yellow; computers (digital data), green; PNT (precise position and timing), blue.

With thanks to Yogi Berra, it’s “déjà vu all over again” for the Global Positioning System, but this time with a twist.

Twenty-five years ago, the question asked by U.S. military commanders and combat personnel in the field was, “Why should I go to the trouble to use this space-based system called GPS?” Today, the question being asked is, “GPS is vital to the success of my mission; so, why are you asking me to consider using something else?”

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By Inside GNSS
October 1, 2010

Launch Fever

It is not all about the satellites, of course.

And, despite the thrill of launches — the Fourth of July and every other national holiday celebration all grown up — it’s not about the rockets.

When evaluating the progress of GNSS programs, however, satellites and launches are a way to keep count — in fact, it is the way most of us do keep count.

By that measure, then, the numbers are adding up quickly.

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By Inside GNSS
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August 24, 2010

CDR Passed: GPS III Ready for Build Phase

Artist’s rendering of GPS III satellite. Lockheed Martin image

More than two years into a multi-billion-dollar contract, the Lockheed Martin team developing the U.S. Air Force’s next-generation GPS Block III satellites continues to defy the physics of large aerospace programs by successfully completing the program’s Critical Design Review (CDR) phase last week — two months ahead of the baseline schedule.

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By Inside GNSS
August 19, 2010

Air Force Approves 3 GPS Technical Specs

The GPS Wing has authorized publication of three technical documents with updated specifications for the U.S. Global Positioning System, including the next-generation GPS Block IIIA satellites now in development, the L5 radio link, and the new L1 civil signal  (L1C) that will be available with the GPS III spacecraft.

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By Inside GNSS
July 16, 2010

Lockheed Martin Unveils GPS Exhibit at the United Nations in Vienna

Rick Ambrose, Lockheed Martin vice-president and general manager, surveillance and navigation systems, introduces GPS Block III model for Permanent Space Exhibit at United Nations Committee on Pea, Vienna,

Lockheed Martin has opened a GPS exhibit as a part of the Permanent Space Exhibit of the United Nations Office at Vienna, Austria, to emphasize the importance of satellite navigation technology serving millions of citizens around the globe.

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By Inside GNSS
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