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May 20, 2013

GPS Civil Funding Request Slashed

Jan Brecht-Clark, director, National Coordination Office for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing

With just more than four months to go in the 2013 fiscal year, sequestration and furloughs are taking a bite out of key research and the work of the National Coordination Office (NCO) for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) — the government nexus for GPS-related policy matters.

The NCO is an interagency organization, explained its director, Jan Brecht-Clark in an emailed response; so, “each individual staff member is subject to furloughs implemented by their home agency as a result of sequestration.”

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By Inside GNSS

GENIUS Workshop: GNSS Principles and Differential GNSS

The November entry in this EU-sponsored series of free GNSS training workshops concerns GNSS Principles and Differential GNSS. It will take place at the University Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Castelldefels, Spain on October 19, 20 and 21.

The instructors will be Fabio Dovis, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, and Carl Milner, Ecole Nationale Aviation Civile, France.

The topics:
GPS principles
GPS Signal Structure
GPS Propagation Channel
GPS Signal Processing
Single Point Positioning and Error Budget

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By Inside GNSS

China Conference Highlights Plans for BeiDou in International Marketplace

The fourth China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC 2013) wound up its three-day run on Friday (May 17, 2013) in Wuhan — by most measures a clear success for an event that has become the nation’s leading GNSS forum.

Well more than 2,000 attendees had their choice of 627 technical papers spread across a broad array of topics in 12 session tracks under the conference theme: BeiDou Application — Opportunities and Challenges.”

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By Inside GNSS
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GENIUS Workshop: Vulnerabilities of GNSS

The October entry in this EU-sponsored series of free GNSS training workshops concerns GNSS vulnerability. It will take place at the University of Nottingham on October 8, 9 and 10.

The instructors will be Terry Moore, Alan Dodson and Marcio Aquino, all faculty at University of Nottingham Geospatial Institute.

The topics:

GNSS Overview: Position fixing, dead reckoning, space segment and SV blocks, ground control and improvement programs,user segment and applications

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By Inside GNSS

ESA Adds System Time Offset to Galileo Navigation Message

The four Galileo in-orbit validation (IOV) satellites now on orbit have begun broadcasting the “offset” between the GPS and Galileo system time, accurate to a few billionths of a second, according to the European Space Agency.

With satellite navigation based around the highly accurate measurement of signal travel times, both Galileo and GPS have their own internal reference time systems used to synchronize all system clocks, including those in the ground segment, on satellites, and in receivers. Galileo System Time is about 50 nanoseconds or less apart from GPS time.

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By Inside GNSS

European Commission: Galileo and EGNOS Applications Workshop

This European Commission-sponsored workshop  will take place at the EC’s Charlemagne building, Room Alcide de Gasperi (GASP), Rue de la Loi 170 in Brussels.

It begins at 9 a.m. and ends at noon.

Participants will discuss their opinions and experiences with the European GNSS downstream applications sector.

The goal is to "maximise and ensure the market uptake of European GNSS applications," according to the organizers.

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By Inside GNSS
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CGSIC Meeting: Civil GPS Service Interface Committee

The 53rd meeting of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) will take place on Monday and Tuesday, September 16 and 17 just before the opening of the ION GNSS conference at the Nashville Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee.

Attendance is free and registration is open at the website below.

The keynote speaker at Tuesday morning’s plenary is a Smithsonian
geographer, Dr. Andrew K. Johnston, who will talk about the museum’s new
permanent exhibit "Time and Navigation: The Untold Story of Getting
from Here.

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By Inside GNSS
May 16, 2013

European Commission to Host Workshop on Galileo and EGNOS Apps

The European Commission (EC) Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry will hold a workshop in Brussels, Belgium, on June 4 to address applications of the European Union satellite navigation programs, Galileo and EGNOS.

The first part of the workshop will focus on the past and future activities of the EC aiming to maximize and ensure the market uptake of European GNSS downstream applications.

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By Inside GNSS

Fourth GPS IIF Satellite Launched

GPS IIF-4 logo. United Launch Alliance

The fourth GPS Block IIF satellite, space vehicle number (SVN) 66, was launched successfully today (May 15, 2013) on board a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket at 5:38 p.m. EDT from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida.

It was the first time that an Atlas V had been used to launch a GPS spacecraft.

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By Inside GNSS
May 13, 2013

White House Moves to Harden Infrastructure against GPS Disruption

System engineers across the country may soon be planning, in some cases perhaps for the first time, what they would do if they could not use the GPS service.

The effort is part of an expanded White House initiative to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure. Alhough infrastructure protection programs have been under way for some time, they did not necessarily address GPS vulnerabilities explicitly.

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By Inside GNSS
May 2, 2013


Existing methods for improving the GNSS performance commonly attempt to enhance the signal processing and navigation estimation parts of a single receiver. Such approaches, however, leave unexplored the potential benefits inherent to the integration of data from multiple receivers.

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By Inside GNSS