January 11, 2009

Former U.S. Space Commerce Official Joins ITT

Edward M. Morris

Edward M. Morris, formerly executive director for the U.S. Office of Space Commercialization, Department of Commerce, has joined ITT Space Systems Division (SSD) as executive director of strategic business development.

In his new position, Morris will be responsible for strategic program and business development of GPS navigation systems and additional space-related capabilities.

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By Glen Gibbons
January 9, 2009

Gates Backs Lynn for Key Defense Post

William J. Lynn III

(Updated Jan.26) President Barack Obama’s nomination of William J. Lynn III, a senior vice-president at Raytheon Corporation, for deputy secretary of defense and his granting Lynn a waiver from the new administration’s own rules on former lobbyists has provoked considerable criticism from some quarters.

As the number two official in the Department of Defense (DoD), Lynn would report directly to Robert Gates, the current secretary of defense who has continued in that position in the new administration, the only holdover from ex-President Bush’s cabinet. Gates has come out strongly in support of Lynn, saying that he requested the waiver from the president.

Among other responsibilities, the deputy secretary serves as the co-chair of
the Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Executive
Committee (ExCom). Lynn would succeed Gordon England, who has paid a lot of attention to GPS during his term in office and enhanced the role of the PNT ExCom as an arbiter and advocate for the GPS program throughout the federal government.

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By Glen Gibbons
January 6, 2009

PCTEL Acquires Wi-Sys

PCTEL, Inc., announced today (January 5) that it has acquired Wi-Sys Communications Inc., an Ottawa, Ontario, Canada–based company that specializes in GPS antenna and receiver technology. PCTEL will pay $2.1 million for Wi-Sys and plans to fully integrate the latter company’s operations into its Antenna Products Group (APG).

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By Glen Gibbons
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December 29, 2008

Applanix Upgrades POS, POSpac Products

Applanix Corporation has launched the POSPac MMS (Mobile Mapping Suite) 5.2, the latest release of its GNSS-aided inertial post-processing software for mobile mapping and surveying applications in multiple environments.

Applanix has announced that its POS AV products now support on-board OmniSTAR XP real-time differential GPS corrections using a purpose-built GNSS+L-band aircraft antenna and an embedded BD960 GNSS receiver.

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By Glen Gibbons

Build Your Own GPS Contest

Canadian GNSS manufacturer Baseband Technologies, Inc., has launched a “Build Your Own GPS Contest,” inviting would-be designers to submit brief written ideas for applications of the company’s software-based GPS receiver technologies.

Contest entrants write 500-word descriptions of an original proposal, suggestion, or hypothetical project may include images that help illustrate their concept. The deadline for entries is March 15, 2009.

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By Glen Gibbons
December 7, 2008

NovAtel Announces GNSS Smart Antenna for Machine Guidance

NovAtel has announced its new SMART-AG antenna, an L1 GPS + GLONASS receiver plus antenna system housed in a single, low profile, rugged enclosure, designed for manual guidance and auto steer installations.

SMART-AG features 14 GPS L1 channels, 12 GLONASS L1 channels, and two additional channels for satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS) as well as two NMEA 0183 compatible RS-232 serial ports, an NMEA2000 compatible CAN port, plus built-in mounting magnets.

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By Inside GNSS
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November 14, 2008

GPS Wing Reaches GPS III IBR Milestone

The GPS Wing has completed an integrated baseline review of the GPS IIIA program, the first major milestone for the $1.4 billion development and production contract for which Lockheed Martin serves as the prime contractor.

The IIIA contract, awarded earlier this year, provides for development and production of the first two GPS IIIA satellites with an initial launch set for 2014. The IBR paves the way for the establishment of an integrated cost, schedule, and technical baseline for the program.

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By Glen Gibbons
October 25, 2008

U.S.-European Meeting Reaffirms GPS/Galileo Cooperation

Combined GPS + Galileo constellation. Image source: Nottingham Scientific Ltd., UK

Representatives of the United States and the European Community (EC) meeting October 23 in Washington, D.C., reaffirmed their commitment to the 2004 cooperation agreement on Galileo and GPS in the first plenary session convened under the agreement.

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By Glen Gibbons