GNSS (all systems)

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European Union GNSS Receiver Workshop

The Geospatial Building at the University of Nottingham

A two-day workshop on GNSS receivers will take place at the Geospatial Building at the University of Nottingham Innovation Park on April 14 and 15, 2011.

In addition to talks by GNSS experts, the workshop features product demonstrations, using the test facilitiies at GRACE, the GNSS Research and Applications Center of Excellence. These include GPS and Galileo full constellation Spirent simulator, signal record and replay devices and the roof-based fixed test track designed for dynamic research and testing.

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By Inside GNSS
March 11, 2011

European Union GNSS Receiver Workshop 2011

The 2011 EU GNSS Receiver Workshop will take place at the University of Nottingham’s Geospatial Building on April 14 and 15.

In addition to talks, the event features project demonstrations that make use of the GNSS Research and Applications Center of Excellence (GRACE) test facilities. These include a GPS and Galileo full constellation Spirent simulator, signal record and replay devices and the roof-based fixed test track designed for dynamic research and testing.

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By Inside GNSS

ASCE -SPAR Geomatics Continuing Education Seminar

Marriott Convention Center

The American Society of Civil Engineers will offer a day-long program on Monday, March 21 at SPAR International 2011 that will focus on real-time GNSS positioning and using the 3D Global Spatial Data Model

Bill Henning, senior geodesist for the National Geodetic Survey, will lead  the morning session. With more than 43 years of experience in all phases of surveying technology, he is helping to develop guidelines and support methodology for real time GNSS position with state, national, and international organizations.

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By Inside GNSS
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GlobalGEO/ International Geomatic Week

Fira de Barcelona, Monjuic venue

The GlobalGEO Fair will take place in the Monjuic Venue, Hall 6 at Fira de Barcelona exhibition center in Barcelona, Spain from March 15 to March 17. 

The fair features the latest products for GPS navigation, 3D mapping, geographic information systems, photogrammetry, teledetection, geodesics, topography, satellite navigation, intelligent transport systems and communications.

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By Inside GNSS
March 10, 2011

RIN: GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions 2011

Baška, Krk Island, Croatia

The fourth GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions conference, sponsored by the Royal Institute of Navigation, will accept paper abstracts through March 25, 2011.

It will take place from May 23-26 2011 on the Adriatic resort island of Krk.

The conference will focus on all aspects of satellite navigation, but particularly these subjects:

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By Inside GNSS
March 3, 2011

Data Dump from the Summit

Once this week’s Munich Satellite Navigation Summit got rolling, the information began flowing — sometimes in bits and pieces, sometimes in a flood.

Russia’s GLONASS program raised the curtain a few inches more on its plans to add CDMA signals to its FDMA satellite, beginning with the GLONASS-K launched last week and continuing on to a full set in orbit by 2020.

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By Inside GNSS
March 2, 2011

Does the Caged Bird Still Sing? or, GPS and the Bluebird of Happiness

Listening to today’s panel discussion on GNSS spectrum issues — with the hopeful subtitle, “A Place Where Competitors Become Colleagues?” — brought to mind a metaphorical description of the GPS signal environment that I heard recently.

The Munich Satnav Summit discussion revolved around the growing pressure on GNSS from other RF users, such as LightSquared, desiring to set up in radionavigation satellite system (RNSS bands).

Somewhat embellished, the description was this:

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By Inside GNSS
March 1, 2011

Willkommen zum GNSS-Fest

One of the delights of Munich.

Perhaps it was Bavaria’s famous, free-floating Gemütlichkeit or just the excellent jazz ensemble from a nearby town, but the opening plenary at the Munich Satellite Navigation Summit this evening (March 1) was awash in benign goodwill but little new insight into the condition of the world’s GNSS systems.

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By Inside GNSS