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June 10, 2013

European Patent Office Offers New Prize in 2013 GNSS Applications Contest

Member states of the European Patent Organization

The European Patent Office will award a brand-new prize for the best patented satellite technology in the 2013 European Satellite Navigation competition, or Galileo Masters.

The winner – or winners -will receive a detailed economic study on the market potential of theirinvention. They will also have chance at the EPO’s 2014 European Inventor Award.

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By Inside GNSS
May 31, 2013

Europe’s GNSS Program: Interview with European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani

A former officer in the Italian Air Force, Antonio Tajani has been vice-president of the European Commission (EC) since May 2008. Tajani is, however, also the current European Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, which makes him top man at the European Union (EU) directorate-general that oversees the Europoean GNSS programs, particularly Galileo and the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS).

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By Inside GNSS
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May 28, 2013

Di Qiu: Opportunities of Signals

Di Qiu at the site of her current employer

SIDEBAR: Di Qiu’s Compass Points

Landing all-weather aircraft safely in storms. Protecting sensitive data not only through encryption but based on the location at which it is being accessed. Ensuring that accurate and timely information reaches first responders responding to emergencies. 

Although still in the early part of her career, Di Qiu has already made significant contributions to these crucial applications of navigation technology. 

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By Inside GNSS
May 23, 2013

Europe Needs Entrepreneurs

Honestly, one gets the feeling that the European navigation community has finally had enough of talking and is ready to take Galileo out of the hands of politicians and put it into the hands of users, including businesses that can translate European GNSS into real products and services to be bought and sold.  

The feeling has certainly been growing within the European navigation community, as evidenced by the conversations at the recent European Navigation Conference (ENC) in Vienna.  

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By Peter Gutierrez

Calculating Time Offsets

Q: How do you deal with timing differences between GNSSs? 

A: All GNSSs inherently depend on precise timekeeping to measure the satellite/receiver time of flight of signal propagation with sufficient accuracy to compute ranges/distances for multilateration calculations. Each GNSS ground segment therefore dedicates considerable effort to maintaining a highly stable atomic time scale as well as the corresponding offset to global standards such as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

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By Inside GNSS
May 22, 2013

June 18 Webinar: GNSS /INS Integration Applications

Inside GNSS will host an applications-oriented web seminar on GNSS and inertial integrated systems on Tuesday, June 18.

The free event is sponsored by KVH Industries.

Webinar presenters are Xavier Orr, an R&D engineer of 3D navigation technologies at Advanced Navigation in Australia and Andrey Soloviev, principal at Qunav LLC and a research engineer who focuses on multi-sensor integration for navigation applications.

GNSS Solutions editor and University of Calgary professor Mark Petovello moderates.

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By Inside GNSS
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May 21, 2013

PTTI 2013: Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting

Major changes for the annual PTTI meeting this year – it will be held on the West Coast, in the high-tech concentration of Seattle’s east side and it has come under the wing of the Institute of Navigation, the new organizer of the event.

PTTI 2013, the 45th systems and applications meeting for Precise Time and Time Interval managers, system engineers and program planners, will be held at the Hyatt Regency Bellevue on December 2 through 5.

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By Inside GNSS
May 20, 2013

GENIUS Workshop: GNSS Principles and Differential GNSS

The November entry in this EU-sponsored series of free GNSS training workshops concerns GNSS Principles and Differential GNSS. It will take place at the University Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Castelldefels, Spain on October 19, 20 and 21.

The instructors will be Fabio Dovis, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, and Carl Milner, Ecole Nationale Aviation Civile, France.

The topics:
GPS principles
GPS Signal Structure
GPS Propagation Channel
GPS Signal Processing
Single Point Positioning and Error Budget

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By Inside GNSS

GENIUS Workshop: Vulnerabilities of GNSS

The October entry in this EU-sponsored series of free GNSS training workshops concerns GNSS vulnerability. It will take place at the University of Nottingham on October 8, 9 and 10.

The instructors will be Terry Moore, Alan Dodson and Marcio Aquino, all faculty at University of Nottingham Geospatial Institute.

The topics:

GNSS Overview: Position fixing, dead reckoning, space segment and SV blocks, ground control and improvement programs,user segment and applications

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By Inside GNSS

ESA Adds System Time Offset to Galileo Navigation Message

The four Galileo in-orbit validation (IOV) satellites now on orbit have begun broadcasting the “offset” between the GPS and Galileo system time, accurate to a few billionths of a second, according to the European Space Agency.

With satellite navigation based around the highly accurate measurement of signal travel times, both Galileo and GPS have their own internal reference time systems used to synchronize all system clocks, including those in the ground segment, on satellites, and in receivers. Galileo System Time is about 50 nanoseconds or less apart from GPS time.

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By Inside GNSS

European Commission: Galileo and EGNOS Applications Workshop

This European Commission-sponsored workshop  will take place at the EC’s Charlemagne building, Room Alcide de Gasperi (GASP), Rue de la Loi 170 in Brussels.

It begins at 9 a.m. and ends at noon.

Participants will discuss their opinions and experiences with the European GNSS downstream applications sector.

The goal is to "maximise and ensure the market uptake of European GNSS applications," according to the organizers.

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By Inside GNSS
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