2009 International Association of Geodesy Scientific Assembly - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

2009 International Association of Geodesy Scientific Assembly

The theme of the 2009 IAG Scientific Assembly is "Geodesy for Planet Earth." It will take place at the Intercontinental Buenos Aires Hotel in the historic district of Montserrat from August 31 to September 4.

Register online at http://iag2009.com.ar/registration/

Sessions and sub-sessions of particular interest to Inside GNSS readers:

The theme of the 2009 IAG Scientific Assembly is "Geodesy for Planet Earth." It will take place at the Intercontinental Buenos Aires Hotel in the historic district of Montserrat from August 31 to September 4.

Register online at http://iag2009.com.ar/registration/

Sessions and sub-sessions of particular interest to Inside GNSS readers:

4.1 Technology and Land Applications
Advances in applications of GNSS, inertial and integrated multi-sensor systems to navigation, positioning, orientation and guidance in land and air, indoor and pedestrian navigation, navigation in GNSS-denied environments and more.

4.2 Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere
On-board GNSS receivers on dedicated satellites explore the atmosphere-induced bending of GNSS signals while propagating through the atmosphere, to furnish round-the-clock weather data, monitor climate change, and improve space weather forecasts. 

4.3 Multi-satellite Ocean Remote Sensing
Synthesizing data from GPS, SAR, GRACE, Laser and Radar Altimetry

Session 5 Geodesy in Latin America
The Geoid and Gravity Project: GNSS continuous reference stations

6.1 Navigation (FIG, ION)
Theory, observation techniques, applications and performance of GNSS and other sensors in positioning, navigation, guidance and autonomous vehicle navigation. CORS networks. Multi-sensor integration. Machine learning algorithms applied to navigation. Navigation in confined environments. Map technologies that improve navigation accuracy or reliability. Autonomous mapping. Collaborative navigation.
