Free Webinar on Significant Advancements in GNSS+INS Technology

Advancements in GNSS+INS Technology and Integration the Focus of Free Webinar and Virtual Workshop

Significant advancements in GNSS and INS technology in the past few years are pushing the performance thresholds to levels unimagined only a few short years ago. This technology, and its capabilities, are evolving every day.

 To learn what’s new and coming in the future, make sure to attend this upcoming webinar sponsored by NovAtel Inc. and Inside GNSS. The FREE Webinar —Advancements in GNSS+INS Technology and Integration – takes place on Tuesday, June 5, at 1:00 PM EDT. The panel of experts will discuss concepts and methods to optimize GNSS+INS performance in specific applications — these will include fixed wheel land vehicles, urban canyons and even parking garages.

The panel of experts for this exciting event are Ryan Dixon, Chief Engineer of NovAtel’s SPAN GNSS/INS products group; David Gaber, Marketing and Business Development at Epson; and Andrey Soloviev, Principal at QuNav.

The webinar moderator will be Demoz Gebre-Egziabher, Professor, Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics, University of Minnesota.

During the live event, audience members will have the opportunity to pose their own questions to the panel of experts.

To register, click here. 
