Case Studies in GNSS/INS Integration - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Case Studies in GNSS/INS Integration


Integration of GNSS and inertial technologies can provide solutions for a diverse set of applications with widely varying requirements. “Case Studies in GNSS/INS Integration” will address two very different engineering challenges — high-dynamic platforms and car navigation — that require very different answers but are arrived at through similar design methodology.


Integration of GNSS and inertial technologies can provide solutions for a diverse set of applications with widely varying requirements. “Case Studies in GNSS/INS Integration” will address two very different engineering challenges — high-dynamic platforms and car navigation — that require very different answers but are arrived at through similar design methodology.

On Tuesday, December 15, Inside GNSS and NovAtel presented a 90-minute web seminar including:

  • How operational requirements and integrated system design are linked through an iterative process that includes such steps as evaluating candidate sensors and selecting the proper states for an extended kalman filter in a navigation algorithm.
  • Test environments for integrated GNSS/INS
  • System architectures
  • High-grade vs. low-grade sensor tradeoffs and design approaches.

This webinar has already taken place. You may download a PDF of the webinar slides here:


You may still register to view the recorded version.



Thomas Jakel

Thomas Jakel is a senior engineer in Honeywell’s Sensing, Guidance and Navigation Center of Excellence. He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Minnesota in Aerospace Engineering. Jakel’s research interests focus on inertial navigation, GNSS/inertial fusion, and MEMS inertial measurement unit design for navigation applications. He has been involved with a wide range of navigation programs within Honeywell, from deeply integrated tactical navigation systems to safety-critical GPS landing systems.

Andrey Soloviev

Andrey Soloviev is a president of Qunav, an R&D business enterprise. Previously, he served as a research faculty member at the University of Florida and as a senior research engineer at the Ohio University Avionics Engineering Center. He has authored and co-authored more than 80 navigation-related publications. Soloviev’s research interests are in the area of sensor fusion and signal processing for navigation.


Demoz Gebre-Egziabher

Demoz Gebre-Egziabher is an associate professor of aerospace engineering and mechanics at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, USA. His research deals with the design of mutlti-sensor navigation and attitude determination systems for aerospace vehicles. Recently his work has focused on multi-sensor solutions for operations in GNSS-stressed and -denied environments.
