Webinar on GNSS Jamming and Crowd Sourcing Detection and GeoLocation Held Jan. 22 - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Webinar on GNSS Jamming and Crowd Sourcing Detection and GeoLocation Held Jan. 22

Smartphones are seemingly omnipresent in our everyday lives. But new usage suggests that these mighty miniature devices can utilize crowd sourcing to defeat GPS jamming. For the latest on this critical topic, make sure to register for this 90-minute webinar on January 22 that will explore and compare the potential and current limitations of using smartphone density, ease of deployment and signal utility against the capabilities of dedicated networks.

The webinar is sponsored by Inside GNSS and Rohde & Schwarz and begins at 1 p.m. EST on Jan. 22. Click here to register.

Key learning opportunities will include:

  • Portable detection and geolocation of GPS Jammers.
  • Approaches for localizing jammers.
  • Android GNSS measurements for jamming detection.
  • Standardization of crowd-sourced GNSS jamming detection.
  • Measurement integrity to avoid abuse.
  • Building an app for jamming detection.

Speakers lending their expertise to this cutting-edge panel will be:

  • Sherman Lo, Senior Research Engineer, Stanford GPS Laboratory, and a specialist in navigation safety, security and robustness.
  • Stefan Maier, Senior Development Engineer at the Location-based Services Lab, Rohde & Schwarz.
  • Frank van Diggelen, Principal Engineer Android Location Team at Google and holder of more than 90 patents on GPS.

The webinar moderator will be Demoz Gebre-Egziabher, professor of aerospace engineering and mechanics, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. He specializes in PNT-related research and multi-sensor navigation and attitude for aerospace vehicles.

The session will include an “Ask the Experts” component, which will in turn increase and crowd source the knowledge of you and your co-attendees: GNSS Equipment Manufacturers, Professional Users, System Integrators and Product-Application Designers.
