The Inertialist: Quartz or Silicon? - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

The Inertialist: Quartz or Silicon?

In high-performance applications, the debate over quartz and silicon MEMS inertial sensors rages on, but guest columnist David Gaber of Epson makes the case for why products from OEMs versus integrators are superior.


In the development of systems requiring inertial measurement technologies for high performance applications, the choice between quartz MEMS and silicon MEMS inertial measurement units (IMUs) is crucial for achieving optimal performance and reliability. This article examines the advantages of quartz and silicon MEMS IMUs in critical scenarios, addressing their respective stability, precision and resilience. Additionally, it delves into the compensatory measures employed by silicon MEMS IMUs to mitigate inherent performance limitations and explores the tuning capabilities that allow skilled engineers to optimize both types of MEMS IMUs for specific application requirements. In both cases, if customers are seeking high performance MEMS IMUs and have skilled engineering resources at their disposal, there is a clear advantage to integrating MEMS IMUs from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) versus integrators.

Key Parameters for Engineers Building High Performance Systems

Bias Stability: Bias stability refers to the stability of the IMU’s output when it is not experiencing any external acceleration or rotation. The bias represents a constant error in the sensor output that can cause drift in the navigation solution over time. Low bias stability is essential for maintaining accurate and stable navigation estimates, especially during periods when GNSS signals are unavailable or unreliable (e.g., in urban canyons or under dense foliage).

Noise Performance: IMU noise directly affects the accuracy of the derived navigation solution, particularly in the presence of low-frequency signals (e.g., gravity). Lower noise levels enable more precise measurement of accelerations and angular rates, resulting in improved navigation accuracy and reduced error accumulation during integration.

Scale Factor Stability: Scale factor stability refers to the consistency of the IMU’s sensitivity (scale factor) over time and environmental conditions. Variations in scale factor can introduce errors in navigation calculations, especially during dynamic maneuvers or changes in temperature.

Dynamic Range: The dynamic range of the IMU determines the maximum accelerations and angular rates that it can accurately measure without saturation. A wide dynamic range is crucial for accommodating various operating conditions and maneuvers encountered during navigation, ensuring the IMU remains within its linear measurement range.

Temperature Stability: IMU performance can be significantly affected by temperature variations, leading to changes in bias, scale factor and noise characteristics. Good temperature stability ensures consistent performance across different environmental conditions, reducing the need for frequent recalibration.

Alignment Accuracy: Accurate alignment of the IMU’s sensor axes with respect to the platform’s reference frame is essential for computing precise attitude (orientation) estimates. Misalignment errors can introduce significant errors in the navigation solution, particularly when GNSS aiding is intermittent or unavailable.

Update Rate and Latency: The IMU’s update rate determines how frequently new measurements are available for navigation computations. Low latency and high update rates are critical for real-time navigation applications, ensuring timely updates to the navigation solution and reducing the impact of dynamic motion on accuracy.

Advantages of Quartz MEMS IMUs

High Precision and Stability: Employing innovative sensor designs and packaging, quartz MEMS IMUs offer exceptional precision and stability, essential for navigation, guidance and control tasks in high performance applications.

Resilience to Harsh Environments: Using synthetic crystal grown specifically for inertial sensors, quartz MEMS IMUs exhibit inherent robustness against temperature variations, solar radiation exposure and persistent operation in low atmospheric pressure, ensuring consistent performance in challenging operational conditions.

Frequency Stability and Q Factor: Quartz inertial sensors in MEMS IMUs provide high Q factor and stable resonance frequencies, minimizing frequency variations and drift over time.

Limitations of Quartz as an Inertial Sensor Base Material

Despite their advantages, quartz MEMS IMUs have certain limitations:

Fragility: Quartz inertial sensing elements themselves can be fragile and susceptible to mechanical stress, requiring careful handling and protective measures before they’re installed in IMU packages. Quartz MEMS IMUs are often accompanied by specific handling instructions to minimize accidental damage risks during integration.

Delta Frequency Issues: Quartz MEMS IMUs may experience delta frequency shifts under specific conditions, affecting frequency stability. Continued exposure to vibration or shock at or near the delta frequency can also disrupt output accuracy.

Limited Performance at Very High Temperatures: At very high temperatures, quartz can undergo structural changes that affect its mechanical properties and stability. This limitation can restrict the use of quartz-based inertial sensors in extreme temperature environments.

Complex Manufacturing Process: Fabricat-ing high performance quartz-based inertial sensors involves complex manufacturing processes, including crystal growth and precision machining. These processes can be costly and may limit scalability and mass production of quartz inertial sensors into high-volume, commoditized applications like automotive safety or smartphone orientation.

Advantages of Silicon MEMS IMUs

Silicon MEMS IMUs offer several specific advantages that make them highly desirable for various applications, especially in automotive, robotics and consumer electronics. Some of the key advantages of silicon MEMS IMUs include:

Miniaturization: Silicon MEMS IMUs can be very small and lightweight compared to traditional inertial sensors, making them ideal for applications where size and weight constraints are critical, such as in drones, wearables, and handheld devices.

Low Cost: MEMS fabrication techniques allow for high-volume, cost-effective silicon MEMS IMU manufacturing. This makes them more affordable compared to traditional inertial sensors, enabling widespread adoption in consumer and industrial markets.

Low Power Consumption: Silicon MEMS IMUs typically consume very low power, making them suitable for battery-operated devices and applications where power efficiency is essential, such as in IoT devices and mobile platforms.

Integration: Silicon MEMS IMUs often integrate multiple sensors (gyroscope, accelerometer) into a single compact package. This integration simplifies system design, reduces component count, and improves overall system reliability.

Compensatory Measures in Silicon MEMS IMUs

Silicon MEMS IMUs leverage advanced signal processing and compensatory measures to enhance system performance:

Temperature Compensation: Silicon MEMS IMUs are sensitive to temperature variations, which can lead to changes in bias, scale factor and sensor output. Temperature compensation techniques involve measuring the IMU’s response at different temperatures and applying correction factors to minimize temperature-induced errors. Advanced algorithms and calibration methods are used to model and compensate for temperature effects, ensuring consistent performance across a range of operating temperatures.

Bias Drift Calibration: Bias drift is a common issue in IMUs, where the output bias slowly changes over time due to imperfections in sensor and environmental factors. To mitigate bias drift, silicon MEMS IMUs undergo regular calibration procedures to estimate and correct bias errors. Inertial navigation systems (INS) often employ Kalman filtering or similar algorithms to continuously estimate and compensate for bias drift based on IMU measurements and external sensor inputs (e.g., GNSS, magnetometers).

Scale Factor Calibration: Scale factor errors in Silicon MEMS IMUs can lead to non-linearities and inaccuracies in sensor measurements. Scale factor calibration involves characterizing the IMU’s sensitivity across its measurement range and applying correction factors to linearize the sensor response. Precise calibration techniques using controlled rotational tests and calibration standards are employed to optimize scale factor accuracy and reduce measurement errors.

Vibration and Shock Filtering: Silicon MEMS IMUs can be affected by external vibrations and shock, leading to transient spikes or noise in sensor readings. Filtering algorithms are implemented to remove or reduce the impact of high-frequency vibrations and shocks on IMU outputs. Digital signal processing techniques, such as low-pass filtering and adaptive filtering, are used to improve signal quality and enhance sensor robustness in dynamic environments.

Sensor Fusion with External Sensors: To improve accuracy and reliability, Silicon MEMS IMUs are often integrated with external sensors, such as GNSS receivers, magnetometers, and barometers, through sensor fusion algorithms. Fusion of IMU data with complementary sensor inputs allows for error compensation, enhanced navigation performance, and reliable orientation estimation even under challenging conditions (e.g., GPS signal loss or magnetic disturbances).

Dynamic Bias Compensation: Dynamic bias compensation techniques continuously monitor and adjust bias estimates based on real-time sensor data and environmental conditions. Adaptive algorithms adaptively estimate and correct bias errors, minimizing drift and improving the long-term stability of silicon MEMS IMUs.

Tuning Capabilities and Performance Extraction in Quartz and Silicon MEMS IMUs from OEMs

These are essential aspects that allow skilled customers to optimize sensor performance for specific applications. Here’s a detailed exploration of tuning capabilities and performance extraction:

Sensor Calibration: MEMS IMUs undergo calibration processes to adjust sensor outputs and minimize errors. Calibration involves compensating for sensor biases, scale factors, misalignments, and temperature effects. Customers can work with OEMs to specify calibration techniques to enhance sensor accuracy and reliability across operating conditions.

Parameter Adjustment: Customers can collaborate with OEMs to tune various parameters of MEMS IMUs to optimize performance. This includes adjusting sensor sensitivity, bandwidth, noise characteristics, and dynamic range based on application requirements. Parameter tuning allows customization to meet specific performance criteria and environmental conditions.

Digital Signal Processing (DSP): DSP techniques are applied to MEMS IMU outputs for signal conditioning and noise reduction. OEMs often work with customers to develop proprietary algorithms for filtering, averaging and processing sensor data in real time. DSP enhances sensor accuracy and stability, particularly in dynamic applications prone to vibration and motion.

Temperature Compensation: MEMS IMUs may incorporate temperature compensation mechanisms to maintain performance across temperature variations. Customers can work with OEMs to use temperature sensors or internal algorithms to dynamically adjust sensor parameters and minimize thermal drift effects based on specific applications.

Bias and Scale Factor Estimation: OEMs perform bias and scale factor estimation to characterize sensor errors. Advanced calibration methods, such as Allan variance analysis or closed-loop calibration, are employed to identify and correct sensor biases and scale factors, ensuring consistent performance throughout the operating lifetime in a customer’s application.

Advantages of Integrating MEMS IMUs from OEMs

Integrating quartz or silicon MEMS IMU technology directly from inertial sensor OEMs like Analog Devices, Seiko Epson, Silicon Sensing or Honeywell offers significant advantages compared to using IMUs from integrators who combine sensors from different manufacturers. The primary advantage lies in the deep knowledge and expertise that sensor manufacturers possess about their own technology, enabling them to optimize sensor performance, identify weaknesses, and exploit specific features for various applications. Here’s a detailed exploration of these advantages:

In-Depth Sensor Knowledge: OEMs have extensive knowledge of their own sensor technologies, including design principles, fabrication techniques, and operational characteristics. This comprehensive understanding allows them to optimize sensor performance, fine-tune sensor parameters, and address specific weaknesses or limitations.

Performance Optimization: OEMs can leverage their expertise to optimize IMU performance for various applications. This includes fine-tuning sensor calibration, implementing advanced signal processing algorithms, and enhancing sensor accuracy, stability and reliability based on real-world usage scenarios. OEMs can adjust sensor parameters and configurations to enhance performance for specific applications. This may involve modifying sensor response curves, bandwidth settings, or filtering techniques to achieve optimal results in challenging environments.

Application-Specific Customization: OEMs can provide tailored solutions and customization options to meet specific application requirements. They can recommend sensor configurations, communication protocols, and integration techniques that align with the intended use case, ensuring optimal performance and compatibility. OEMs possess detailed knowledge of sensor characteristics, including noise levels, bandwidth, drift rates, and environmental sensitivities. This understanding allows them to exploit specific sensor features for optimizing performance in diverse applications.

Advanced Sensor Fusion and Integration:
OEMs often develop sophisticated sensor fusion algorithms and integration techniques that leverage the strengths of their IMUs. This enables seamless customer or end-user integration with other sensors (e.g., GPS, magnetometers) to enhance overall system performance, such as in navigation, motion tracking, and stabilization applications.

Comprehensive Technical Support: OEMs offer comprehensive technical support, documentation, and application notes specific to their IMUs. This support is invaluable for system integrators and developers, providing guidance on sensor setup, troubleshooting, and implementation best practices.

Access to Latest Innovations: OEMs continuously innovate and release new sensor technologies and product updates. Integrating directly from OEMs ensures access to the latest advancements in MEMS IMU technology, enabling developers to stay at the forefront of sensor capabilities and performance.

Supply Chain Stability: Most MEMS inertial sensor OEMs strive to vertically integrate their products as much as possible. In doing so, elaborate measures are taken to ensure continuity of supply not only for the piece parts required for MEMS IMU manufacture, but also for products they sell to their customers.


The debate over the choice between Quartz and Silicon MEMS inertial sensors for high-performance applications remains a critical topic, influenced by the compelling case for integrating IMUs directly from OEMs versus using integrators of other manufacturers’ sensors. This article has elucidated key considerations in this discourse, emphasizing the advantages inherent in OEM-supplied IMUs for optimized performance and reliability.

Engineers and developers targeting high-performance applications benefit from the profound sensor knowledge and domain expertise possessed by inertial sensor OEMs such as Analog Devices, Epson, Silicon Sensing and Honeywell. These OEMs excel in optimizing sensor performance through advanced calibration techniques, parameter adjustments, and digital signal processing tailored to specific application requirements. By leveraging their deep understanding of sensor characteristics, OEMs facilitate the exploitation of sensor features to enhance performance in diverse operational environments. Moreover, the advantages of integrating OEM-supplied MEMS IMUs extend beyond technical capabilities to encompass comprehensive support, application-specific customization, and access to leading-edge innovations. OEMs offer robust technical documentation, application notes, and responsive customer support, empowering engineers to navigate complex integration challenges and optimize sensor performance effectively.

This article underscores the compelling case for engineers and developers seeking high-performance MEMS IMUs to integrate directly from OEMs. By harnessing OEM expertise, engineers can unlock the full potential of quartz or silicon MEMS inertial sensors, achieving superior performance, reliability, and innovation in critical applications across aerospace, defense, robotics, and beyond. The integration of OEM-supplied IMUs represents a strategic imperative for realizing technological excellence and competitive advantage in the rapidly evolving landscape of inertial sensing technologies.


David Gaber has overseen the Inertial Sensors Group at Epson America since 2012 and is responsible for scaling the division’s growth. Prior to joining Epson, David led the applications engineering team at Systron Donner Inertial, supporting quartz MEMS sensor integration on the U.S. Navy’s Mark 48 and 54 torpedoes as well as JDAM and various military aircraft upgrade programs. Previously, David worked as a program manager for U.S. Air Force contracts performed abroad in support of numerous manned and unmanned aircraft initiatives.


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