Space Reflecto 2010 - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Space Reflecto 2010

The first workshop on passive reflectometry using radiocom space signals is organized by two technical competence centers (CCT) of the French space agency, CNES. They are signal and images processing (TSI) and Position datation by satellite (PDS).

It will take place on December 1 2010 at the Institut Aero Spatial in Toulouse, France.

The first workshop on passive reflectometry using radiocom space signals is organized by two technical competence centers (CCT) of the French space agency, CNES. They are signal and images processing (TSI) and Position datation by satellite (PDS).

It will take place on December 1 2010 at the Institut Aero Spatial in Toulouse, France.

The workshop will gather members of space agencies and researchers from allied fields such as earth observation and  engineering science. The scope of the workshop includes design of signal of opportunity, hardware and signal processing, and applications of reflectometry. 

Abstracts will be accepted until NOVEMBER 10 on the CNES site:

Paper topics include terrestrial and oceanic applications and requirements and techniques and algorithms. For program information, email Felix Perosanz at

For general event information, contact Joelle guinle at the email address below.
