SIDEREUS: Linking EU, Asia SMEs with Galileo Focus - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

SIDEREUS: Linking EU, Asia SMEs with Galileo Focus

A European initiative is seeking to link small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Asia and Europe through a series of one-on-one encounters between businesses operating in the aerospace and information and communication technology (ICT) sectors, with a special focus on Galileo-based satellite navigation applications.

A European initiative is seeking to link small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Asia and Europe through a series of one-on-one encounters between businesses operating in the aerospace and information and communication technology (ICT) sectors, with a special focus on Galileo-based satellite navigation applications.

The SIDEREUS program is designed and coordinated by Filas, the Regional Development Agency of the Lazio Region, with cofinancing from the European Union’s ASIA INVEST Program. SIDEREUS’s operational budget is more than €600,000.

The main objective of the program is to establish long-term business and technological co-operation agreements among companies, research centers, and other aerospace and ICT organizations. SIDEREUS is open to participants from, China, India and ASEAN countries on the Asian side and from EU countries with priority to Italy, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom.

A final matchmaking event will be held in Beijing on November 26-28, 2008, with a goal of involving at least 140 European SMEs (35 for each of the EU partner regions) and 160 Asian SMEs (China, 90; India, 50; and Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN countries, 20).

Every participating company will have no fewer than eight bilateral meetings with other participating companies. Financial incentives for partial reimbursement of travel costs will be available to the first SMEs that register for the final event.

In addition to Galileo, special attention will also be given to new forthcoming GNSS systems such as China’s Compass and the Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS).

Although traditionally most strategic sectors are addressed almost exclusively at a national level, SIDEREUS will emphasize the role of regional industrial centers in high-tech development. Besides the Lazio region, Bavaria (Germany) Hertfordshire (United Kingdom), and Basque country (Spain) are participating in SIDEREUS.

Moreover, although SMEs are the only eligible beneficiaries for EU aid and subsidies, SIDEREUS will involve major enterprises and public procurement authorities, which are fundamental actors for the success of any strategic initiative or economic collaboration plan, according to the program’s organizers. Aerospace entrepreneurial associations will also be involved together with various international networks.

FILAS is active on various fronts of the aerospace sector. Besides promoting the SIDEREUS project, Filas also manages the Lazio Aerospace District on behalf of the Lazio Region, and the GALILEO TEST RANGE, the permanent laboratory for the validation of the GALILEO signal and the development of satellite navigation and positioning applications.

To register or find out more, visit the SIDEREUS website.
