RIN: GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions 2011 - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

RIN: GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions 2011

Baška, Krk Island, Croatia

The fourth GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions conference, sponsored by the Royal Institute of Navigation, will accept paper abstracts through March 25, 2011.

It will take place from May 23-26 2011 on the Adriatic resort island of Krk.

The conference will focus on all aspects of satellite navigation, but particularly these subjects:

The fourth GNSS Vulnerabilities and Solutions conference, sponsored by the Royal Institute of Navigation, will accept paper abstracts through March 25, 2011.

It will take place from May 23-26 2011 on the Adriatic resort island of Krk.

The conference will focus on all aspects of satellite navigation, but particularly these subjects:

  • Core and augmentation satellite navigation systems
    Safety-critical applications
    Space weather and ionospheric effects
    Location-based services (LBS)
    Intelligent transport systems (ITS)

The event is sponored by the Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN), London and the  Institute of Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy, University of Nottingham. For  more information, contact Dr. Renato Filgar.

Submit extended abstracts (300-500 words)  to Sally Ann Cook at the email address below.
