New Firmware Release Enables Tracking of BeiDou B2b GNSS Signals on Phase III Satellites - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

New Firmware Release Enables Tracking of BeiDou B2b GNSS Signals on Phase III Satellites

Hexagon | NovAtel has announced a firmware release for its OEM7 and PwrPak7 receivers that enables tracking of BeiDou B2b GNSS signals on Phase III satellites. The 7.08.00 (OM7MR0800RN0000) release allows the receivers to track all of the new BeiDou B1C, B2a and B2b signals. There are 30 BeiDou Phase III satellites now in orbit, so this is a key step in taking full advantage of the BeiDou system around the world.

On August 3 of this year, China’s Satellite Navigation Office announced the completion and commissioning of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS-3), consisting of 30 BDS-3 satellites launched in two and a half years starting in November 2017, along with the building of more than 40 ground stations.

Hexagon | NovAtel’s 7.08.00 release contains support for BeiDou Phase III signals and tracking of B2b BeiDou signals. A full listing of all changes is available in the “What’s New” document that is included with the firmware download.

[Image above from online video by China Satellite Navigation Office, “Navigate the World through BeiDou.”]
