ION Southern California Section December Meeting - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

ION Southern California Section December Meeting

Torrance, CA

The Southern California Section of the Institute of Navigation’s December meeting will take place at the John Deere facility in Torrance, CA on December 15, 2015.

Dr. Chun Yang will speak at the meeting.  The title of the talk is Sharpening Peak Performance of GPS Signals. In this talk, the variable IF tracking architecture that improves the
peak performance will be presented together with possible implementation
schemes. Simulation results will be used for illustration and analysis.

The Southern California Section of the Institute of Navigation’s December meeting will take place at the John Deere facility in Torrance, CA on December 15, 2015.

Dr. Chun Yang will speak at the meeting.  The title of the talk is Sharpening Peak Performance of GPS Signals. In this talk, the variable IF tracking architecture that improves the
peak performance will be presented together with possible implementation
schemes. Simulation results will be used for illustration and analysis.

The meeting time is from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM on Tuesday, 15 December, 2015, with lunch available at 11:30 AM.

An optional buffet luncheon of soft drinks, pizza and salad will be available for a small cost. Please contact Liwen Dai using the email address or numbers below if you wish to attend. Please provide your name, email address and whether you will buy the luncheon.  Please respond by close of business on Friday, 11 December, 2015.

Both ION members and non-members are invited to attend.
