ION 2024 Annual Awards Announced at ITM/PTTI 2025

The Institute of Navigation (ION) proudly presented its 2024 Annual Awards during the co-located International Technical Meeting (ITM) and Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Systems and Applications Meeting in Long Beach, California, from January 27-30, 2025.

The ION Annual Awards Program is sponsored by the Institute of Navigation (ION) to recognize individuals making significant contributions or demonstrating outstanding performance advancing the art and science of positioning, navigation, and timing.

Dr. Jason N. Gross received the Per Enge Early Achievement Award for his development and demonstration of resilient navigation system algorithms and methods in degraded GNSS environments. The Per Enge Early Achievement Award is presented in recognition of outstanding contributions made early in one’s career.

Captain Sarah V. Rowley received the Superior Achievement Award for her outstanding innovation, leadership, and instructional ability in the development of fundamental skills of position, navigation, and timing for future United States Air Force aviators. The Superior Achievement Award is presented to an individual demonstrating outstanding accomplishments as a practicing navigator.

Dr. Clark N. Taylor and Dr. Jason N. Gross received the Dr. Samuel M. Burka Award for their paper published in the Fall 2024 issue of NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation, “Factor Graphs for Navigation Applications: A Tutorial.” The Dr. Samuel M. Burka Award recognizes outstanding achievement in the preparation of a paper advancing the art and science of positioning, navigation, and timing.

Dr. Andrew Dempster received the Captain P. V. H. Weems Award for his fundamental contributions to GNSS receiver architectures and signal processing; and interference detection, characterization, and mitigation. The Captain P. V. H. Weems Award is presented to individuals for continuing contributions to the art and science of navigation.

Cheryl J. Gramling received the Tycho Brahe Award for her numerous outstanding contributions to the science of spacecraft navigation, ensuring the safety of life of crewed and robotic space missions, past and future. The Tycho Brahe Award is given in recognition of outstanding contributions to the science of space navigation, guidance, and control.

Dr. Didier Flament received the Norman P. Hays Award for his significant leadership in the early definition, development, qualification, and continued evolution of the European GNSS, particularly the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS). The Norman P. Hays Award is given in recognition of outstanding encouragement, inspiration and support contributing to the advancement of navigation.

Dr. José Ángel Ávila Rodríguez received the Thomas L. Thurlow Award for his substantial contributions to the field of navigation, including Galileo’s signal design, leadership in Galileo modernization, and efforts to foster international collaboration and education. The Thomas L. Thurlow Award is given in recognition of outstanding contributions to the science of navigation.

Dr. Sherman Lo received the ION Distinguished Service Award for his extraordinary service to the Institute of Navigation.

Nominations for these awards may be submitted by anyone, but all nominations must conform to ION nomination guidelines. Award recipients need not be members of the ION. Details of the nomination process and nomination forms are available at
