IEEE/ ION PLANS 2014: Position Location And Navigation System Conference - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

IEEE/ ION PLANS 2014: Position Location And Navigation System Conference

Big Sur coastline looking north to Bixby Canyon Bridge

Early bird registration ends Friday, April 11, 2014. 

The IEEE/ ION PLANS 2014: Position Location And Navigation System Conference will take place May 5-8 2014 at the Hyatt Regency Monterey Resort and Spa in Monterey, California.

This biennial conference and industry exhibition explores the field of navigation — from fundamental research, to applications, to field test results.

Early bird registration ends Friday, April 11, 2014. 

The IEEE/ ION PLANS 2014: Position Location And Navigation System Conference will take place May 5-8 2014 at the Hyatt Regency Monterey Resort and Spa in Monterey, California.

This biennial conference and industry exhibition explores the field of navigation — from fundamental research, to applications, to field test results.

This year’s tutorials include a wide range of navigation subjects from core navigation fundamentals to in-depth classes about the latest technologies.

Twenty-four half-day technical sessions are offered over a three day period. The presentations range from fundamental research, to applications, to field test results. The topics include sensors, systems, optimal integration of multiple sensors, and novel or emerging technologies used in the field of navigation.

The PLANS technical program is available here.

A technical exhibit will run in parallel with the sessions, at which navigation equipment component and system suppliers show their current products and most recent technical innovations.

Tutorials take place on Monday, technical sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and the technical exhibit will be open Tuesday and Wednesday.

Abstract submission is now closed.

The event is sponsored by IEEE’s Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society (AESS) and the Institute of Navigation (ION).
