GPS Wing Reaches GPS III IBR Milestone - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

GPS Wing Reaches GPS III IBR Milestone

The GPS Wing has completed an integrated baseline review of the GPS IIIA program, the first major milestone for the $1.4 billion development and production contract for which Lockheed Martin serves as the prime contractor.

The IIIA contract, awarded earlier this year, provides for development and production of the first two GPS IIIA satellites with an initial launch set for 2014. The IBR paves the way for the establishment of an integrated cost, schedule, and technical baseline for the program.

The GPS Wing has completed an integrated baseline review of the GPS IIIA program, the first major milestone for the $1.4 billion development and production contract for which Lockheed Martin serves as the prime contractor.

The IIIA contract, awarded earlier this year, provides for development and production of the first two GPS IIIA satellites with an initial launch set for 2014. The IBR paves the way for the establishment of an integrated cost, schedule, and technical baseline for the program.

According to the GPS Wing, the objective of the IBR was to ensure that the GPS IIIA performance measurement baseline was executable, that program risks were identified and mitigation plans developed, and that management control processes provided effective and integrated cost, schedule and technical execution and control.  

The three-phased IBR process involved analyses of the program’s technical content and any changes since the May 2007 system design review, the GPS IIIA contract schedule baseline, and the time-phasing of resources, vertical and horizontal schedule traceability, consistency between control account plans and work authorization documents, and traceability to its performance measurement baseline.

Members of the GPS III Squadron and support contractors, the Space and Missile Systems Center Program Management Assistant Group, Lockheed Martin, and major sub-contractors ITT and General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems comprised the IBR team.

The IBR validated that the GPS IIIA program has a solid technical baseline, a high confidence schedule, and that management control processes are in place to ensure mission success, according to GPS Wing Commander Col. David Madden.

A preliminary design review scheduled for the second quarter of 2009 represents the next major milestone for the GPS IIIA program.
