EUPOS GNSS, DGNSS and Applications Symposium 2008 - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

EUPOS GNSS, DGNSS and Applications Symposium 2008

The International Symposium on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Space-based and Ground-based Augmentation Systems and Applications 2008 will take place in Berlin at the EnergieForum, located in the middle of Berlin’s growing media centre between the “Ostbahnhof“ (East Train Station) and the Spree River.

Representatives from Europe, Japan, Africa and the United States will report on world-wide activities in civil use of satellite navigation, including:

The International Symposium on Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Space-based and Ground-based Augmentation Systems and Applications 2008 will take place in Berlin at the EnergieForum, located in the middle of Berlin’s growing media centre between the “Ostbahnhof“ (East Train Station) and the Spree River.

Representatives from Europe, Japan, Africa and the United States will report on world-wide activities in civil use of satellite navigation, including:

  • GPS, GLONASS, Galileo
  • Space-based and ground-based GNSS services- EGNOS (Europe), WAAS (USA), QZSS (Japan),
  • Regional GNSS reference systems-EUREF (Europe), AFREF (Africa), SIRGAS (Latin America),
  • Quality Assurance,
  • Public
    and private services and activities- EUPOS, SAPOS (Germany), LITPOS
    (Lithuania), SKPOS (Slovak Republic), C-NAV (GB)
  • Applications such as flood disaster management in Lagos (Nigeria),
    auto-steering of agricultural machines (Hungary), GNSS-based ground
    penetration radar (Serbia)
  • Company-specific developments

All presentations will be translated simultaneously in German and English.

The conference is organized by the International Committee on GNSS (ICG), the Federal State of Berlin, UNOOSA, and by EUPOS. The European Position Determination System is an initiative to establish a ground-based European regional GNSS augmentation system, operating a network of multi-functional DGNSS reference stations in Central and Eastern Europe.
