EU$1 Million in Prizes for 2013 European Satellite Navigation Competition - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

EU$1 Million in Prizes for 2013 European Satellite Navigation Competition

With the 10th edition of the European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) set to begin on April 1, 2013, competition organizers are inviting submission of innovative GNSS application ideas.

With the 10th edition of the European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) set to begin on April 1, 2013, competition organizers are inviting submission of innovative GNSS application ideas.

The prize pool of the ESNC is worth about €1 million, which includes
cash prizes, business incubation, coaching, patent consulting,
prototyping and marketing support, access to customers and user
communities, and publicity in the world’s leading satellite navigation

The competition will be officially kicked off on April 25 at the European Navigation Conference (ENC) in Vienna, Austria, at the Austria Center Vienna (Plenary Session) from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Admission will be free of charge.

In the 2012 ESNC competition, more than 400 ideas were submitted from around the world competing for a number of regional, special topic, and prototyping prizes as well as the top award, the Galileo Master.

Last year, Fraunhofer Portugal and the University of Porto’s Faculty of Engineering received the €20,000 Galileo Master’s prize for a new smartphone app that augments GNSS with ultra-low magnetic field communication (ULF-MC) for reliable navigation in office buildings, airports, underground parking garages and other indoor locations.

Meanwhile, more than 150 speeches and 50 poster presentations to be showcased in 32 sessions at this year’s ENC. The keynote speakers and panellists include:

–           Paul Weissenberg (Deputy Director General of the DG Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission)
–           Didier Faivre (Director of the Galileo Programme & Navigation-Related Activities, European Space Agency)
–           Carlo des Dorides (Executive Director of the European GNSS)
–           Frank Salzgeber (Head of Technology Transfer Office, ESA)
–           Gard Ueland (Chairman of Galileo Services)
–           Bernhard Hofmann-Wellenhof (Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, TU Graz)
–           Harald Posch (Austrian Space Agency)

The European Navigation Conference 2013 will be the 17th conference in the GNSS series held under the auspices of the European Group of Institutes of Navigation (EUGIN). The conference will be hosted by the Austrian Institute of Navigation (OVN) and will take place from 23-25 April 2013 in Vienna, Austria. For further information, please refer to
