DGON Inertial Sensors and Systems 2016 - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

DGON Inertial Sensors and Systems 2016

At the 2015 symposium

The German Institute of Navigation’s (DGON) 2016 symposium on inertial sensors and systems, ISS, and gyro technology will take place in Tulla Hall at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) on September 20 and 21.

As modern systems for navigation, localization and guidance are increasingly making use of supporting data from non-inertial sensors, the conference particularly appreciates papers on hybrid systems, those that fuse inertial with GNSS, visual, infrared, radar or other sensors.

The German Institute of Navigation’s (DGON) 2016 symposium on inertial sensors and systems, ISS, and gyro technology will take place in Tulla Hall at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) on September 20 and 21.

As modern systems for navigation, localization and guidance are increasingly making use of supporting data from non-inertial sensors, the conference particularly appreciates papers on hybrid systems, those that fuse inertial with GNSS, visual, infrared, radar or other sensors.

The event is sponsored by DGON, the Institute for Systems Optimization/Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (ITE), the Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN) and IEEE.
