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No Time Like the Present for Europe in Asia

Peter Gutierrez

Galileo promoters have always tended to try to link the program to new jobs and economic growth, arguing that once Europe’s global satnav system is up and running, new services will be possible and opportunities for EU companies will abound.

Such arguments needed to be made, to bolster the chronically tenuous political support Galileo has garnered from the European Union (EU) powers-that-be and the chronic lack of faith among just about everybody in Europe’s ability to actually make the system fly.

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By Peter Gutierrez

More Than Money Worries

Navigation users may benefit from GPS modernization sooner than expected thanks to an apparent shift in the schedule of the modernized GPS ground control segment still under development.

The change means that full operational implementation of the new signals will come earlier in the delayed modernization of the operational control Segment (OCS).

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By Dee Ann Divis

Developing a GNSS Position and Timing Authentication Testbed

FIGURE 1: Characterization of interference from the user perspective

Increasing demand for ensuring the authenticity of satellite signals and position/velocity/time (PVT) calculations raises the need for tools capable of assessing and testing innovative solutions for verifying GNSS signals and PVT. Today’s civilian systems do not provide authentication at the system level, and a number of mitigation strategies have been developed in the last 10 years at user segment in order to protect receivers from interference and deception.

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By Inside GNSS
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November 26, 2012

Our Harvest Being Gotten In

This is, as they say in Hollywood, a wrap.

The final issue of our seventh year heads off to the printer. And tomorrow I will point my car north and west, returning as generations of Americans have done over the centuries to the family farm, the “home place,” for Thanksgiving.

Because this is the season for gathering in and counting up. For gratitude at what we have received in the year past, and for those untoward things that we have avoided.

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By Inside GNSS
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November 18, 2012

Taking Turns at the Fiscal Cliff

The GPS program has taken a fiscal hit that will delay critical plans to begin multi-satellite launches and could ultimately hamper the Air Force’s ability to keep the constellation at its current level of service.

The shortfall is just one of the challenges facing the program over the next four months as the current six-month budget extension winds down, the government’s ability to borrow runs out, and, barring a fast political deal, the onerous budget cuts set up under sequestration kick in.

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By Dee Ann Divis
November 15, 2012

2012 European Satellite Navigation Competition Results

The 2012 Galileo Master receiving his prize: from left, Thorsten Rudolph, managing director of Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen (AZO); Carlo des Dorides, executive director, the European GNSS Agency (GSA); winner Dirk Elias, Fraunhofer Portugal; Ulrike Daniels, AZO director of business development.

Finding your way indoors will be even easier with a new smartphone app from two Portuguese research institutes that augments GNSS with positioning using ultra-low magnetic field communication (ULF-MC).

Fraunhofer Portugal and the University of Porto’s Faculty of Engineering received the €20,000 Galileo Master’s prize for their innovation in this year’s European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC 2012) awards. The ULF-MC application was the overall winner from among 406 completed entries (the most ever) submitted from more than 40 countries.

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By Inside GNSS
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