Rochester, New York-based Orolia recently announced (March 22) that in several indoor environments in the field, it has successfully synchronized a Spectracom SecureSync high precision time server with the new Iridium Satelles Satellite Time & Location (STL) time synchronization signal powered by Iridium satellites.
By Inside GNSSSpeakers at last month’s 9th Annual Conference on European Space Policy in Brussels wasted no time in addressing the somewhat worrying failure of a number of Galileo onboard clocks, as revealed by European Space Agency Director General Johan-Dietrich Woerner at a press briefing earlier in January in Paris. He made clear at the time that the clock failures, while indeed troubling, had had no effect on the operational integrity of the Galileo system.
By Inside GNSSThe 26th annual Workshop on Synchronization and Timing Systems (WSTS), sponsored by The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and ATIS, will take place April 3-6 at the DoubleTree in Jan Jose, California.
By Inside GNSSSanta Rosa, California-based EndRun Technologies, a provider of precision time and frequency solutions, announced last week at the International Technical Meeting-Precision Time/Time Interval (ITM-PTTI) meeting, the release of the RTM3205 Precision Timing Module for portable time and frequency applications. The second generation RTM3205 is optimized for size, weight, and power (SWaP), but can exceed the stability of a standard cesium atomic frequency reference, according to the company.
By Inside GNSSAnother informative joint Institute of Navigation (ION) International Technical Meeting and Precise Time/Time Interval Meeting is in the books and attendees of the event this week in Monterey, California had the opportunity to learn and share ideas on a wide array of topics and technologies.
By Inside GNSSSecurities regulators recently approved a plan to improve the tracking of financial trades by creating a single, comprehensive database that, among other things, incorporates tightened clock synchronization standards.
By Inside GNSSFederal officials are finally moving on a year-old, two-phase plan to establish a long delayed backup for the GPS system.
By Inside GNSSThe 2017 joint conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum will take place in Besançon, France at the Micropolis Convention Center on July 9-13.
The abstracts for this biennial event are due by March 13, 2017 (extended from March 3).
The topics are:
Group 1: Materials, Resonators & Resonator Circuits
Group 2: Oscillators, Synthesizers, Noise, & Circuit Techniques
Group 3: Microwave Frequency Standards & Applications
Group 4: Sensors & Transducers
The 18th meeting of the National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Advisory Board will take place at the Crowne Plaza Redondo Beach and Marina in Redondo Beach, California, U.S.A. on December 7-8, 2016.
By Inside GNSSBecause GPS and other GNSS are critical to the nation’s infrastructure, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is testing an augmentation system and developing new requirements to protect it, a DHS official told the U.S. Department of Transportations’s Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) meeting this week in Portland, Oregon.
The National Space-based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Advisory Board is comprised of experts from outside government that are tasked with developing recommendations for the PNT EXCOM to consider in making GPS services more effective and accessible to users in all domains and sectors. Attendance is open to the public.
By Inside GNSSThe Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) announced today (April 20, 2016) the successful demonstration of Enhanced Loran (eLoran) for precision timing of financial transactions at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
The demonstration at the NYSE was hosted by Juniper Networks on April 19 and presented to technical representatives from the financial services, energy, and communication sectors.
By Inside GNSS