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Galileo Works!

ESA Galileo IOV Test campaign authors, from left: Jörg Hahn, Stefano Binda, Edward Breeuwer, Roberto Prieto-Cerdeira, Marco Falcone, Alexander Mudrak, Gustavo Lopez- Risueño, Francisco Javier Gonzalez Martinez, and Daniel Blonski.

The objective of the IOV phase was to launch the first four operational Galileo satellites and to deploy the first version of a completely new ground segment. During this phase, the European Space Agency (ESA) needed to validate — in the operational environment — all space, ground, and user components and their interfaces, prior to full system deployment. With the assistance of industry partners, ESA had to analyze the performance of the Galileo system and its components with the objective to refine the full operational capability (FOC) system.

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By Inside GNSS
March 6, 2014

FY15 Budget: GPS III Procurement to Slow, Dual-Launch Funding Cut

The Air Force is slowing GPS modernization and dropping part of the funding for dual launch of satellites, said defense officials describing the President’s Fiscal Year 2015 (FY15) budget on Wednesday (March 5, 2014).

Air Force Undersecretary Eric Fanning said the Air Force would continue to “honor our investments and obligations” regarding the Global Positioning System but would “reprofile” the GPS III program so that it meets constellation sustainment demands.

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By Inside GNSS
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February 27, 2014

E-GNSS for Road Transport: On Galileo’s Home Field

Sabine Dannelke, GSA Administrative Board chairperson. Inside GNSS photo by Peter Gutierrez

Road transport has always been a key sector for European GNSS, but safety- and security-related applications bring special challenges along with the opportunities. European Union (EU) officials speaking at a conference in Brussels last week explained why.

“Road transport is largest GNSS market opportunity,” said Gian-Gherardo Calini, head of market development at the European GNSS Agency (GSA). “This is 46.2 percent of the current GNSS market. Road transport is the key market.”

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By Inside GNSS
February 14, 2014

House Committee Moves to Block Loran-C Teardowns

Lawmakers overseeing the Coast Guard approved language this week that would stop the agency from dismantling facilities needed for eLoran, a proposed system that has gained wide support as a backup in case GPS signals are jammed, blocked, spoofed, or otherwise rendered unusable.

In “markups” or adjustments to language in the FY 2015 Coast Guard authorization bill, a House transportation subcommittee proposes to halt the tearing down of stations in the Coast Guard’s old Loran-C navigation system, which was turned off in 2010.

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By Inside GNSS
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February 3, 2014

DoT Moves Ahead with V2V Plans for Smart Cars

Anthony Foxx, U.S. Secretary of Transportation

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DoT) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced today (February 3, 2014) that it will begin taking steps to enable vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication technology for light vehicles.

This technology would improve safety by allowing vehicles to "talk" to each other and ultimately avoid many crashes altogether by exchanging basic safety data, such as speed and position, 10 times per second.

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By Inside GNSS

FY14 Budget Pares GPS Appropriations

The GPS program sustained a cut of more than six percent from the levels in the president’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2014 (FY14), increasing the likelihood that the Next Generation Operational Control System (OCX) will be delayed and putting pressure on budgets in future years to make up for cuts to modernization efforts.

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By Inside GNSS
January 23, 2014

ESA’s Dordain Unapologetic about Galileo at Wide-Ranging Press Conference

ESA Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain during his annual press briefing. ESA photo by S. Corvaja

Speaking at his annual press conference in Paris last Friday (January 17, 2014), European Space Agency (ESA) Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain was cool, collected and, importantly, positive, as he laid out plans and parried questions on a whole range of ESA issues. From the Rosetta mission to manned space flights, Swarm, Gaia, Sentinel and Copernicus, and of course Galileo, he set the stage for an ambitious 2014.

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By Inside GNSS
January 22, 2014

Applanix Incorporates Trimble CenterPoint RTX GNSS Correction Service

Applanix Corporation announced that today (November 12, 2013) that the Trimble CenterPoint RTX correction service will be available across its entire airborne mapping portfolio. 

Trimble CenterPoint RTX correction service is a GPS-, GLONASS-, and QZSS-enabled correction service built on Trimble RTX technology that provides high-accuracy GNSS positioning without the use of traditional reference station-based differential RTK infrastructure.

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By Inside GNSS