
July 10, 2018

Harris Corp. Delivers Advanced Environmental Monitoring Sensor for Japanese Satellite

Harris Corporation has delivered an environmental monitoring sensor for the Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite-2 (GOSAT-2), which will significantly enhance Japan’s ability to monitor greenhouse gases from space.

The Harris-built TANSO-FTS-2 (Thermal and Near Infrared Sensor for Carbon Observation-Fourier Transform Spectrometer-2) will measure greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The newly built instrument will collect high-spectral resolution data of the Earth in five bands, which enables measurement during daylight and darkness. The instrument’s unique intelligent pointing system identifies, in real time, cloud-free areas of the atmosphere – greatly increasing the amount of useable data, according to the company.

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By Inside GNSS
May 25, 2018

EU’s Green Week Brings Focus to GNSS and Protecting Our Environment

In recent years there has been plenty of talk about Smart Cities, including numerous lectures on the topic at a variety of GNSS conferences including multiple Institute of Navigation meetings. The benefits delivered by these Smart Cities range from improved safety, efficiencies in transportation and deliveries, reduced traffic congestion and improved environmental effects.

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By Stan Goff
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October 13, 2017

Air Force Declares First Lockheed Martin GPS III Satellite “Available for Launch”

GPS III SV01 now awaits a call up to begin pre-launch preparations. Photo: Lockheed Martin.

Ushering in a new era of advanced Global Positioning System technology, the U.S. Air Force this week declared the first Lockheed Martin-built GPS III satellite “Available for Launch.”

The Air Force’s “AFL” declaration is the final acceptance of Lockheed Martin’s first GPS III Space Vehicle (GPS III SV01) prior to its expected 2018 launch. GPS III SV01 will bring new capabilities to U.S. and allied military forces, and a new civil signal that will improve future connectivity worldwide for commercial and civilian users.

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By Inside GNSS
September 26, 2017

Microsemi Releases BlueSky GPS Firewall to Provide Security Against GPS Spoofing and Jamming Threats

Microsemi’s BlueSky GPS Firewall is designed to provide security against GPS spoofing and jamming threats. Photo: Microsemi Corporation.

Microsemi Corporation, a provider of semiconductor solutions differentiated by power, security, reliability and performance, today announced the recent development of a breakthrough approach to protecting critical infrastructure against GPS spoofing and jamming threats with the introduction of its BlueSky GPS Firewall.

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By Inside GNSS
September 25, 2017

Hiroyuki Yamada

Hiroyuki Yamada is the Senior Deputy Director: Sub-Division for Operational Safety and Human Element, Maritime Safety Division, International Maritime Organization (IMO). The Sub-Division deals with all technical and operational matters related to navigation, communications, search and rescue and the human element of shipping.

Yamada has worked at IMO for 12 years in various positions related to ship safety. Previously he worked for the Japanese Government, mainly responsible for legislation and implementation of IMO regulations.

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By Inside GNSS
September 19, 2017

DoD, Academia Test Systems for GPS Denial

Navigating the globe was once done using the sun, moon and stars as references, but modern times bring modern methods, and the majority of the world now relies on GPS — or another GNSS — for its navigation needs.

But what happens when GPS isn’t available?

A collection of Department of Defense (DoD) units and U.S. universities recently found out when they gathered at Edwards Air Force Base to evaluate various aerial platforms in a degraded GPS environment.

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By Inside GNSS
August 25, 2017

Commercial UAV EXPO

With unparalleled education and more exhibitors than at any other commercial drone show, Commercial UAV Expo, happening Oct 24-26 in Vegas, is the best choice for professionals who need to keep up-to-date on technology, trends and developments for industrial drone applications.

The commercial UAV event will provide workshops and educational sessions on a variety of topics including:

• Surveying & Mapping

• Civil Infrastructure

• Mining & Aggregates

• Construction

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By Inside GNSS
July 28, 2017

Answering the Call for a GNSS Back-up

A government report commissioned by Innovate UK, along with the UK Space Agency and the Royal Institute of Navigation, entitled “Economic impact to the UK of a disruption to GNSS”, comes in the wake of troubling incidents for GNSS operators, both the United States and Europe.

Last year a problem with the GPS satellite timing signal triggered alarms and caused an unknown number of outages, and in Europe earlier this year the fledgling Galileo signal crashed due to unspecified ground facility issues.

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By Peter Gutierrez