"GPS for Humanity-The Stealth Utility" is the title of a lecture by GPS pioneer Brad Parkinson that will be webcast live at 8 p.m. EST on Thursday, March 21 from the Lockheed Martin Imax Theater at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum on the Mall in Washington D.C.
By Inside GNSSWith the 10th edition of the European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) set to begin on April 1, 2013, competition organizers are inviting submission of innovative GNSS application ideas.
By Inside GNSSThe 4th China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC 2013) will be held on May 15-17, 2013 in Wuhan, China. It will incorporate a wide range of activities, such as academic exchange, high-level forum, and technical presentations.
A China Satellite Navigation Technology and Application Achievement Exhibition will be held all three days in parallel with the event.
By Inside GNSSThe U.S. Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) invited comments today (March 20, 2013) on its proposed plans to test CNAV message capabilities on the GPS L2C and L5 signals June 15–29.
The signals are part of the GPS modernization program and will provide, among other things, greater capability for civilian users. The notice was posted in the official government Federal Register.
By Inside GNSSeCall is the European Union (EU) initiative aimed at reducing road casualties by increasing the speed and efficiency of emergency response. It involves a device installed in cars that will automatically dial the EU’s “112” emergency phone number in the event of a serious road accident.
Key data including time, date, and GNSS coordinates will be sent to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) and then relayed to the most appropriate emergency service. The eCall is triggered by airbag deployment and impact sensor information.
By Peter GutierrezIt’s spring and privacy proposals are popping up in abundance, threatening to complicate the lives of law enforcement officers, spoil the landscape for some location-based businesses, and choke off the U.S. market for commercial unmanned aerial systems (UAS) before it gets off the ground.
By Dee Ann DivisTwo European organizations announced successful positioning results yesterday (March 12, 2013) using signals from the four Galileo in-orbit validation (IOV) satellites.
The NavSAS group of Politecnico di Torino and Instituto Superiore Mario Boella in Turin, Italy, obtained its first Galileo autonomous position using signals from the Protoflight Model (PFM) and three Flight Model space vehicles (FM2, FM3, FM4), which have started transmitting valid navigation messages.
By Inside GNSSThis course on modern GNSS, positioning and timing applications takes pace at Aalborg University in Denmark from noon on May 15 until noon at May 17.
Thee free three-day program is open to doctoral students working in GNSS or related areas at a European university.
The lecturers and topics are:
By Inside GNSSGRACE 2013 is a GNSS technology and applications showcase sponsored by the GNSS Research and Application Centre of Excellence at the University of Nottingham.
By Inside GNSSIFEN has announced the opening of its U.S. subsidiary, IFEN Inc., to address the American market for GNSS test equipment.
The Poing, Germany–based company has named Mark Wilson as vice-president of sales at IFEN Inc. Wilson, who has more than 20 years’ experience in the GNSS market, said he was "very excited to join the IFEN team. . . . Our exceptional products offer unrivalled flexibility and capability, at realistic prices providing huge advantages to our customers.”
By Inside GNSSL-3 Interstate Electronics Corporation (L-3 IEC) announced today (March 12, 2013) that it successfully performed GPS Military Code (M-Code) testing during a “live sky broadcast event” last month.
The IEC M-Code receiver is designed to provide improved accuracy, positioning, navigation and timing in conditions where the performance of current receivers might be compromised or unavailable.
By Inside GNSSThe European Space Agency (ESA) has announced a key milestone today (March 12, 2013) in the development of Europe’s GNSS program: the first determination of a ground location using the four Galileo satellites currently in orbit together with the system’s ground infrastructure.
This fundamental step confirms the Galileo system works as planned, according to ESA scientists.
By Inside GNSS