2010 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

2010 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS

The theme of the 2010 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS is "At a Turning Point." It will take place at Howard International House in Taipei, Taiwan on October 26-28.

National Cheng Kung University is organizing and hosting the event. The symposium will be held in English.

The annual forum is open to innovative ideas on GNSS systems, techniques, applications and opportunities by researchers and engineers from academia and industry.

The theme of the 2010 International Symposium on GPS/GNSS is "At a Turning Point." It will take place at Howard International House in Taipei, Taiwan on October 26-28.

National Cheng Kung University is organizing and hosting the event. The symposium will be held in English.

The annual forum is open to innovative ideas on GNSS systems, techniques, applications and opportunities by researchers and engineers from academia and industry.

Plenary and invited talks:
Quo Vadis? Where are we going in satellite navigation
Guenter W. Hein (ESA)

Satellite Navigation for the Next Generation of Air Traffic Management
Prof. Per Enge (Stanford University)

Chao-Han Liu(Academia Sinica)

Multi-GNSS Constellations Performance
Gerard Lachapelle (University of Calgary, Canada)

Session topics include all of the GNSSes, augmentaion and regional systems and backups to GNSS; land, aviation, marine and space applications, GNSS receivers, radio occultation, LBS and telematics, GNSS-related remote sensing and GIS’ GPS/INS; atmospheric effects on GNSS, multisensor applications; PPP, RTK and e-GNSS; CNS/ATM; integrity monitoring and RAIM and timing applications.
