What Should GNSS Manufacturers, Application Marketers and End Users Expect from Europe’s Galileo?

Europe’s satellite navigation system, Galileo, is about  to go operational on December 15 when the European Commission makes a Declaration of Initial Services at a special event in Brussels. With that, European satellites will provide users with global positioning, navigation and timing information for the first time.

Find out what’s in store for the international community of GNSS manufacturers, application markets and end users at a free web seminar sponsored by Inside GNSS and NovAtel on Monday, December 19.

Panelists include a long-time leader in Europe’s GNSS user equipment industry and senior technical and policy experts from the three organizations responsible for creation of the Galileo GNSS and the rollout of its services.

Right now, Galileo will offer the Open Service, Public Regulated Service (PRS), and Search and Rescue Service (SAR). All mass-market devices containing a Galileo-enabled chipset, such as smartphones and vehicle navigation devices, will be able to use Galileo signals. Until the full satellite constellation and ground infrastructure are in place in 2020, however, Galileo will be used in combination with GPS.

The panelists at next week’s webinar are Jérémie Godet, head of sector for Galileo Implementation at the European Commission; Marco Lisi, GNSS services engineering manager at the European Space Agency (ESA) in the Directorate of Galileo Program and Navigation Related Activities; Fiammetta Diani, deputy head of market development at the European GNSS Agency (GSA); and Peter Grognard, CEO of Thales Alenia Space

The moderator will be Demoz Gebre-Egziabher, an associate professor of aerospace engineering and mechanics at University of Minnesota-Twin
Cities, USA.

The live webinar will take place on Monday, December 19 at 1pm-2:30pm ET / 10am-11:30am PT / 7pm-8:30pm CET (central European time). A recorded version will be available a few days later. Both are free with registration. Sign up here.

Galileo satellites in orbit (OHB artist’s rendering)

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