US Navy Awards ANELLO Photonics Contract Phase I SBIR for GPS-Degraded and GPS-Denied Navigation

ANELLO was selected for a Small Business Innovation Research Phase I due to its innovative optical gyroscope technology and its unique sensor fusion engine following their selection as an “Alternative Navigation System for Hypersonic Vehicles in Global Positioning System (GPS)-Degraded and GPS-Denied Environment”.

ANELLO Photonics, the creator of the SiPhOG and a leading provider of cutting-edge photonics solutions for navigation in GPS-denied environments has announced that is has been awarded a Phase I SBIR contract for the U.S. Navy. During the six-month period, ANELLO will demonstrate the capabilities of its innovative optical gyroscope technology and sensor fusion technology for navigation in environments without GPS.

The Phase I SBIR award enables ANELLO to showcase to the U.S. Navy its cutting-edge integrated photonics technology together with its products using the ANELLO AI-based sensor fusion engine. This will ensure that the U.S. Navy platforms can maintain high-accuracy navigation in challenging GPS-denied situations.

“We are excited to work with the U.S. Navy and provide them access to our innovative and cutting-edge technology,” said Dr. Mario Paniccia, CEO of ANELLO Photonics. “Within this program, the U.S. Navy can directly evaluate and experience first-hand the benefits of the ANELLO products for navigation in GPS-denied or contested environments.”

ANELLO Photonics is currently engaged with various market-leading customers in the Construction, Farming, Trucking, Robotics, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Autonomous Vehicles, and National Security space.
