Summer Dreams: Case Western Wins Robotic Lawnmower Contest - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Summer Dreams: Case Western Wins Robotic Lawnmower Contest

2011 Case Western Reserve team winning robotic lawnmower

A team from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio took home the top $15,000 prize and a special award for the most aesthetically pleasing cut in the three-day 2011 Robotic Lawnmower Competition held in Dayton, Ohio on May 31 through June 2.

The second place award of $10,000 went to Auburn University and Wright State University won the third place prize of $5,500.  

A team from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio took home the top $15,000 prize and a special award for the most aesthetically pleasing cut in the three-day 2011 Robotic Lawnmower Competition held in Dayton, Ohio on May 31 through June 2.

The second place award of $10,000 went to Auburn University and Wright State University won the third place prize of $5,500.  

In this year’s event, sixteen college teams pitted student engineers and their robotic creations against each other to see which one navigated a set course most quickly and accurately. (The lawn that endured these experiments is now resting comfortably at Siebenthaler’s Beaver Valley Garden Center in Dayton.)

The Institute of Navigation and the Air Force Research Laboratory sponsor this annual contest to encourage students to explore the art and science of navigation. It is now in its eighth year.
