Stan Goff - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Stan Goff

Stan Goff is managing editor of Inside GNSS. He is responsible for day-to-day operations and production of the print publication and

Goff lives and works in the Chicago area, where he spent 17 years as a senior editor and executive editor for Advanstar Communications business-to-business magazines. Earlier, he was a sports editor for Sun Publications.

He earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.

Stan Goff is managing editor of Inside GNSS. He is responsible for day-to-day operations and production of the print publication and

Goff lives and works in the Chicago area, where he spent 17 years as a senior editor and executive editor for Advanstar Communications business-to-business magazines. Earlier, he was a sports editor for Sun Publications.

He earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
