Spirent Federal to Support NASA for GNSS Testing for Lunar Exploration - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Spirent Federal to Support NASA for GNSS Testing for Lunar Exploration

Spirent Federal Systems announced that it has been selected by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for testing GNSS for lunar exploration. NASA is exploring the viability and enhancement of GPS and GNSS signals in the Space Service Volume (SSV) and beyond to support operational U.S. missions and civil space systems. Spirent GNSS will support testing of the GNSS receivers intended to be deployed in the upcoming lunar exploration.

Spirent Recorder and Player
Spirent GSS6450: Portable High Bit Depth RF Record & Playback System

Spirent’s Record & Playback System, the GSS6450, has been used in space-based GNSS applications. “For over two decades NASA and other space users have selected us to provide  test and development solutions for missions ranging from short suborbital flights to weeks-long orbits beyond geosynchronous altitudes,” said Ellen Hall, President.

Spirent Federal Systems, a provider of GPS and GNSS test equipment, is a wholly owned subsidiary and U.S. proxy company of Spirent Communications, marketing and selling Spirent Communications’ products in North America.

