Septentrio’s AsteRx-i Delivers Accurate, Reliable GNSS/IMU Integrated Positioning

GNSS receiver manufacturer Septentrio recently launched the next generation AsteRx-i which combines the company’s latest compact, multi-frequency multi-constellation GNSS engine with an external industrial grade MEMS based IMU. It can deliver accurate and reliable GNSS/IMU integrated positioning to the cm-level as well as full 3D attitude at high update rates and low latency, according to Septentrio.

Designed around demanding requirements for size, weight and power consumption, the AsteRx-i is ideal for optical inspection and photogrammetry. Accompanied by a UAS-tailored carrier board, the AsteRx-i integrates seamlessly into light UAVs. The versatility of design and range of connection interfaces extend the AsteRx-i applicability to automation and robotics and as well as logistics.

Key benefits for users:

  • IMU-enhanced GNSS positioning with full attitude: heading pitch and roll
  • Quad-constellation, multi-frequency, all-in-view RTK receiver
  • AIM+ interference monitoring and mitigation system
  • High-update rate, low-latency positioning and attitude

The AsteRx-i includes Septentrio’s GNSS+ suite of positioning algorithms to convert difficult environments into good positioning: LOCK+ technology to maintain tracking during heavy vibration, APME+ to combat multipath and IONO+ technology to ensure continued position accuracy during periods of elevated ionospheric activity. It also features AIM+ interference mitigation and monitoring system which can suppress the widest variety of interferers, from simple continuous narrowband signals to the most complex wideband and pulsed jammers.

“Complementing our GNSS portfolio with an INS offering is a natural evolution of our product range. At Septentrio, we design our GNSS solutions with a focus on reliability and availability. Smart integration of inertial sensors builds on these strengths to make affordable high-precision positioning and orientation solutions possible for ever more demanding applications,” said Francesca Clemente, product manager at Septentrio.

Also earlier this year, the company launched AsteRx SB, a compact and ruggedized GNSS receiver.

AsteRx-i without IMU sensor
AsteRx-i without IMU sensor