Ramjack Takes Syntony PNT Solution Way Down in the Mine - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Ramjack Takes Syntony PNT Solution Way Down in the Mine

Ramjack Technology Solutions and Syntony GNSS have partnered to deliver underground GNSS positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) solutions, using Syntony’s SubWave technology.

Syntony extends GPS coverage into previously inaccessible spaces, giving mining operations reliable connectivity. Built on software-based navigation, Syntony’s SubWAVE solution expands GNSS coverage to underground areas, enabling the localization of any equipment with a standard GNSS chipset. By broadcasting an emulation of the GNSS signal, SubWAVE offers underground operators full GNSS coverage in all underground areas for both operational and safety reasons.

This enables users to map their environment and track assets embedding GPS chipset in confined areas, with the same GPS-reliant apps used outside. The system is installed in the Stockholm, London and New York city subway systems and is in active trials in other locations throughout Europe and America.

“The need for accurate underground tracking is a huge advantage and one that we’ve been waiting for in mining for a very long time,” said Mike Jackson, President & CEO, Ramjack Technology Solutions. He noted that using his own mobile phone and Syntony technology, he tracked his location underground, in real-time using Google Maps, to less than two meters accuracy. “This is a truly amazing innovation that will forever change the way underground mines use technology.”
