Frontiers of GNSS Accuracy Explored at Munich Summit Session Wednesday, March 17; Moderated by Inside GNSS - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

Frontiers of GNSS Accuracy Explored at Munich Summit Session Wednesday, March 17; Moderated by Inside GNSS

The Munich Satellite Navigation Summit 2021 convenes on the Internet from March 16—17. High-level sessions will provide the latest information on status and developments in wide-ranging PNT topics. One panel will focus on the Frontiers of GNSS Accuracy: achievements in RTK, PPP, and new combinations of the two advanced techniques.

The full program is available here. All Summit sessions will be accessible, for a 250 euro registration fee, via the Munich Summit website.

Under the rubric “Improving Techniques,” a session on Wednesday, March 17 will cover The Frontiers of GNSS Accuracy, moderated by Inside GNSS editor Alan Cameron.


3:00 pm (1500h) CET,
2 pm United Kingdom,
10 am U.S. Eastern Daylight Savings Time,
8 am U.S. Mountain Daylight Savings Time,
7 am U.S. Pacific Daylight Savings Time

“The technology is possible – and it’s incredible!” Recent advances in GNSS correction services bring unprecedented accuracy in near-real time without base stations: centimeter level with global availability. Our experts explain the algorithms of precise point positioning (PPP), real-time kinematic (RTK) and the newly achieved RTK+PPP; define the positioning requirements for high-precision applications in terms of accuracy, availability, continuity and convergence time; demonstrate testing to verify the new benchmarks; show performance with real-time transmission, raw data, corrections processing, and data set transmission; and give examples for PPP service and applications in dynamic operations.


Prof. Peter J.G. Teunissen, Professor of Geodesy and Satellite Navigation, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, and Delft Technical University, The Netherlands
Romain Zimmermann, Business Development Manager, Spirent Communications, London, UK
Paul Alves, Director Correction Services, Hexagon’s Autonomy & Positioning Division, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
André Bauerhin, Chief Operating Officer, Spaceopal, Munich, Germany

Alan Cameron, Editor-in-Chief, Inside GNSS magazine, Red Bank NJ, USA

[Photo: Hofmann]
