March-April 2009 Editorial Preview - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

March-April 2009 Editorial Preview

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Ad closing date: March 9

Ad materials due: March 16
Look for the March-April issue at 2009 CTIA Wireless, Las Vegas, Nevada (March 31-April 4) and the International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, St. Petersburg, Russia (May 25-May 27)

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Ad closing date: March 9

Ad materials due: March 16
Look for the March-April issue at 2009 CTIA Wireless, Las Vegas, Nevada (March 31-April 4) and the International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, St. Petersburg, Russia (May 25-May 27)

On the Trails of the Inuit

Kyle O’Keefe, The University of Calgary Schulich School of Engineering, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; Shari Gearheard, National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado at Boulder, Clyde River, Nunavut, Canada; and others.
The Igliniit (Trails) Project is a collaborative research project that brings together Inuit hunters from Clyde River, Nunavut, Canada, with researchers from Colorado, Calgary, and Carleton universities and undergraduate students from the University of Calgary to develop, test, and use an interactive GPS tracking system on snow machines and dog sleds. The system has a number of applications including tracking environmental conditions and changes over time, land/sea ice use studies, harvest studies, wildlife studies, travel safety, and search and rescue. This article describes the experiences of the participants over the first three years of the project.

Receiver-Autonomous Detection of GNSS Spoofing
Paul Y. Montgomery, Novariant Inc., Todd E. Humphreys, University of Texas at Austin,
Brent M. Ledvina, Virginia Tech.
As GNSS receivers and applications spread throughout the world, a corresponding increase in the risk of spoofing appears likely — much as hacker attacks on websites have grown along with expansion of the Internet. This article describes the use of an angle-of-arrival countermeasure to thwart spoofing, by observing L1 carrier differences between multiple antennas referenced to a common oscillator.

Getting Along Indoors:
Cooperative Positioning Techniques for Difficult Locations

Stuart Strickland, consultant, Cambridge, UK

Exploring positioning technologies and techniques for difficult locations. The possibility of sharing assistance data, position information, or GNSS measurements as well as providing relatively high-resolution ranging among devices.

Matlab Code for the GPS Newcomer
Kai Borre, professor in geodesy at Aalborg University and founder of the Danish GPS Center.
A new tutorial series on the application of the popular Matlab software — a numerical computing environment and programming language — to process GPS observations. Each installment includes a discussion of a GPS-related computational task and a Matlab code that can be downloaded from an related website. In this issue, learn how to create a stereographic sky plot of satellite orbits and plot the time when satellites will be above a given local horizon. Details of the LAMBDA method are explained through a small numerical example.

by Melody Ward Leslie
Who will join the growing list of leading – or rising – engineers profiled in this popular column? Stay tuned.

Frank Takac, LEICA, discusses GLONASS ambiguity resolution in this regular column coordinated by contributing editor Mark Petovello

GNSS data points and factoids to amuse and inform.
