Joint Navigation Conference Brings 800+ to Exhibit Hall, Technical Sessions

In a robust return to live technical conferences, the 2021 Joint Navigation Conference (JNC 2021) drew strong attendance and lively, productive conversations on the show floor. The Military Division of the Institute of Navigation hosted the event for the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security.

Exhibit booth of Spirent Communications, JNC 2021

More than 800 participants registered for the conference, and halfway through the week 92% had checked in. The conference mandated, and attendees followed, a stated Covid protocol adhering to CDC guidelines;  COVID conference policies are published here. The upcoming ION GNSS+ conference in St. Louis, September 20–24, will continue to adhere to CDC guidelines, whatever is in effect at that time.

“The ION and the Joint Navigation Conference are encouraged by the resilience of the U.S. military, government, and their contractors serving the PNT community,” said Lisa Beaty, ION Executive Director. “The technical program has been extremely strong. The community has been eager to convene and share within their secured environment. The conference was at full capacity this year, and we are expecting a new record to be set next year when we meet June 6–9, 2022 in San Diego.”

Exhibit booth of Hexagon | NovAtel, JNC 2021.

Attendees reported very high-quality discussions in the technical sessions, hallways and on the exhibit hall floor. Exhibitors were similarly pleased with results.


