International Navigation Forum / Navitech 2017 - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

International Navigation Forum / Navitech 2017

The 11th International Navigation Forum will take place during the 9th International Navitech Exhibition at the Expocentre Fairgrounds in Moscow, Russia on April 25-28, 2017.

Registration information can be found here.

The 11th International Navigation Forum will take place during the 9th International Navitech Exhibition at the Expocentre Fairgrounds in Moscow, Russia on April 25-28, 2017.

Registration information can be found here.

The main purpose of the Forum is to inform a wide audience in Russia about current status and plans for the development of the GLONASS navigation system and foreign satellite navigation systems, state policies in the field of the commercial use of the GLONASS system in Russia and overseas, satellite navigation solutions, systems, technologies, equipment and services, navigation and information technology, geodesy and cartography. The Navitech Expo (Navigation Systems Technologies and Services) is Russia’s major exhibition and congress devoted to satellite navigation.

Topics this year include:

  • Transport navigation and information systems
  • High-precision satellite navigation
  • Insurance telematics
  • Indoor positioning and navigation
  • In-vehicle navigation and information systems
  • Personal navigation and information systems, services and devices
  • Professional navigation equipment, modules and components
  • Navigation solutions for IoT
  • Navigation infrastructure for unmanned transport
  • Unmanned systems and solutions. Drones
  • Information services and geotargeting in advertising

The forum is organized under the auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry by the GLONASS Union and GLONASS/GNSS Forum Association, nonprofit associations of designers, manufacturers and users of GLONASS and other GNSS equipment and applications.
