IES2011: International Ionospheric Effects Symposium - Inside GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems Engineering, Policy, and Design

IES2011: International Ionospheric Effects Symposium

The 13th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium will take place at the Crowne Plaze Hotel (formerly the Radisson) in Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia on May 17-19, 2011.

Every three years, the event covers the effect of space weather on military and commercial telecommunication and satellite systems. For a list of paper topics, click here.

Special sessions:

The 13th International Ionospheric Effects Symposium will take place at the Crowne Plaze Hotel (formerly the Radisson) in Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia on May 17-19, 2011.

Every three years, the event covers the effect of space weather on military and commercial telecommunication and satellite systems. For a list of paper topics, click here.

Special sessions:

  • Navigation (convened by Patricia Doherty, Boston College)
  • Lower Atmospheric Forcing of Electrodynamics and the 
    Ionosphere, (Tim Fuller-Rowell, NOAA-SWPC, and Larisa Goncharenko)
  • Ionospheric and Space Weather Effects on Telecommunications 
    and Navigation Systems, (Giorgiana De Franceschi and Wona Stanislawska  of INGV, Rome, Italy)
  • Ionospheric sounder methods and measurements (Bodo Reinisch, UML)
  • Ionospheric irregularities – science and systems (Paul Cannon, QinetiQ)
  • Opinion Forum on Issues Facing Ionospheric and Space Weather Communities (J.M. Goodman, RPSI)
  • The Impact of Rocket Exhaust and High Power Radio Waves on the Ionosphere (Paul Bernhardt, NRL)

The sponsors include the U.S. Office of Naval Research and the International Union of Radio Science. The conference chair is  J. M. Goodman, Radio Propagation Services, Inc.

For information, contact IES2011 secretary Jenny R. Hansen at the email address below.
