Current State of the Art in Autonomous Vehicles Development the Focus of CASSCA Conference

The Institute of Navigation (ION) is holding a two-day conference on Cognizant Autonomous Systems for Safety Critical Applications (CASSCA). The conference will be held January 28-29, 2019 at the Hyatt Regency Reston in Reston, Virginia.

The conference includes two full days of presentations and discussions on the opportunities and challenges associated with developing fully autonomous systems that are cognizant and trustworthy for safety-critical applications by leading experts in the field. Forward-thinking leaders will be presenting on a variety of important issues, including:

  • Aerial Vehicle Autonomy
  • Ground Vehicle Autonomy
  • Marine Vehicle Autonomy
  • Ethics and Policy
  • Human-Machine Symbiosis

The conference is being held in coordination with the ITM/PTTI 2019 conference and in parallel with the PTTI tutorials. Prof. Zak Kassas, University of California, Riverside, is the General Chair for CASSCA, while Dr. Robert Leishman, Air Force Institute of Technology, will serve as Technical Program Chair.
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