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Denis Laurichesse

Denis Laurichesse is a member  of the navigation system service at CNES. He has been in charge of the DIOGENE GPS orbital navigation filter, and is now involved in navigation  algorithms for GNSS systems.

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By Inside GNSS
January 25, 2018

Attila Matas

Attila Matas is the former head of the Space Publications and Registration Division in the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau – Space Services department.

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By Inside GNSS
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Junjia Ma

Junjia Ma received the B.S. degree in electronic information science and technology from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2016.

She is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University.

Ma’s research interests include signal design for future GNSS and signal-processing technologies.

By Inside GNSS
November 27, 2017

Unfinished Business

All good things must come to an end. At which point, if Fortune smiles on us, other good things begin or continue.

Case in point: as of year-end 2017 I am promoting myself to Editor Emeritus of Inside GNSS and turning to some unfinished business that I have with life. Of course, after 28 years I still have some unfinished business with GNSS, this amazing technology and industry that has more growth ahead of than behind it, more prospects for innovation, more unfinished business than ever.

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By Inside GNSS

GNSS Hotspots | November 2017

One of 12 magnetograms recorded at Greenwich Observatory during the Great Geomagnetic Storm of 1859
1996 soccer game in the Midwest, (Rick Dikeman image)
Nouméa ground station after the flood
A pencil and a coffee cup show the size of NASA’s teeny tiny PhoneSat
Bonus Hotspot: Naro Tartaruga AUV
Pacific lamprey spawning (photo by Jeremy Monroe, Fresh Waters Illustrated)
“Return of the Bucentaurn to the Molo on Ascension Day”, by (Giovanni Antonio Canal) Canaletto
The U.S. Naval Observatory Alternate Master Clock at 2nd Space Operations Squadron, Schriever AFB in Colorado. This photo was taken in January, 2006 during the addition of a leap second. The USNO master clocks control GPS timing. They are accurate to within one second every 20 million years (Satellites are so picky! Humans, on the other hand, just want to know if we’re too late for lunch) USAF photo by A1C Jason Ridder.
Detail of Compass/ BeiDou2 system diagram
Hotspot 6: Beluga A300 600ST

1. Mapping Air Traffic, Rainy Seasons, and More
Sahel, Africa

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By Inside GNSS